Alta Global Translations - Korvetwal 1

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Alta Global Translations

Address :

Korvetwal 1, 2317 GR Leiden, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 2317
Categories :
City : Leiden

Korvetwal 1, 2317 GR Leiden, Netherlands
Андрій Лавріненко on Google

Звертався щодо перекладу нідерландського міжнароднього свідоцтва про народження українською. Приємне спілкування електронною поштою. Переклад отримав ПостНЛом за декілька днів.
He addressed the translation of the Netherlands International Birth Certificate into Ukrainian. Nice e-mail communication. Translation was received by PostNL in a few days.
Lyudmila Yaremenko on Google

Я обратилась за переводом университетсткого диплома с украинского языка на английский. Татьяна сделала все быстро и качественно, услугами бюро я осталась довольна!
I applied for the translation of a university degree from Ukrainian into English. Tatyana did everything quickly and efficiently, I was satisfied with the services of the bureau!
D T on Google

Осталась очень довольна предоставленной услугой! Работа была выполнена быстро, качественно и профессионально! И что интересно, цены в два раза дешевле, чем у других переводчиков, а скорость работы одна и та же! Очень советую!
I was very pleased with the service provided! The work was done quickly, efficiently and professionally! And interestingly, the prices are two times cheaper than other translators, and the speed of work is the same! I highly recommend it!
Xiao Ma on Google

Good experience working with Alta!
Tania Kochetkova on Google

Great ! I am very happy!
Victoria Meira on Google

I am very happy with the translation of my documents at Alta Global Translations.
Dmitriy Cherniy on Google

Good price and good quality, very fast (working even on weekends, if necessary). Would recommend to anyone. Translated several documents for me from RUS into ENG.
Julia Sokolovska on Google

Great experience working with Alta Global - fast and professional. I would recommend it to anyone looking for Ukrainian-English translations within a few working days.

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