Appartement zandvoort privat garden - De Schelp 9

3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Appartement zandvoort privat garden

Address :

De Schelp 9, 2042 DV Zandvoort, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +87
Postal code : 2042
Categories :
City : Zandvoort

De Schelp 9, 2042 DV Zandvoort, Netherlands
Marcel van der Putten on Google

EJB on Google

D. Bilitewski on Google

This review applies to appartement 34 private Garden scroll down for english version Hallo, Wir können das Apartment nicht bewerten, da wir unseren Aufenthalt auf Grund der Corona Krise nicht antreten konnten. Wir möchten aber das Verhalten des Eigentümers in dieser Krise bewerten. Wir hatten für Anfang April gebucht und wollten dann Mitte/Ende März die Buchung stornieren, da eine weltweite Reisewarnung und in Deutschland Ausgangsbeschränkungen verhängt wurden. Wir hätten also gar nicht anreisen dürfen. Darüber hinaus bestand die Gefahr, dass wir nicht mehr nach Deutschland zurückgekommen wären, da immer mehr Grenze geschlossen worden. Wir kontaktierten daraufhin den Besitzer und fragten, ob er uns ggf. entgegenkommen könnte oder eine Umbuchung auf den Spätsommer in Betracht ziehen könnte. Gerne hätten wir uns darauf geeinigt, nicht die ganze Summe zurück zu bekommen. Der Besitzer hätte gerne entstandene Kosten beim Leerstand in Rechnung stellen können. Stattdessen erhielten wir als Antwort eine standardisierte Antwort, die auf die Rechtslage verwies. Auf unsere Vorschläge wurde in keinem Wort eingegangen, weswegen wir davon ausgehen, dass unsere Anfrage nicht einmal gelesen wurde, obwohl wir sie auf Deutsch und Englisch verfasst hatten. Der Besitzer wollte schlicht das gesamte Geld behalten und damit den Gesamtschaden durch die Krise auf uns abwälzen. Eine Woche später versuchten wir es erneut. Die Niederlande hatten damit begonnen, Teile der Grenze zu schließen und in einigen Orten wurden Urlauber aus ihren Wohnungen vertrieben und aufgefordert in ihr Heimatland zurückzukehren. Auf diese Anfrage bekamen wir dann keine Antwort mehr. Der Besitzer zeigt mit seinen Verhalten, dass er sich nicht im Geringsten für die Lebensumstände seiner Besucher interessiert. Es scheint ihm gleich zu sein, ob diese Menschen von der Krise ggf. härter getroffen sind als er selbst. Wichtig war es ihm nur, keine Gewinneinbußen zu haben. Möchten sie so jemanden ihr Geld geben? Wir werden jedenfalls nie wieder hier buchen. Hello, We can not rate the apartment itself because we weren't able to use it because of the corona crisis. However we would like to rate the behaviour of the owner of the aparment during these crisis. We booked our stay for the begining of april and in the middle of march we lost hope that we would be allowed to go on vecation because of the corona crisis. Germany announced a worldwide travel warning and imposed a partly lockdown. We were not allowed to travel anymore. Furthermore there was the risk of not being allowed to come back if we would have decided to take our stay in the netherlands, becuase the borders were closed one by one at that time. We contacted the owner and asked if he could accomodate us a little bit with the refund or if we could reschedule our stay to late summer. We would have been fine with that or just a partly refund. As answer we just got an standardized typing which told us that we don't have the right to reschedule or get a refund. Our suggestion weren't mentioned in one little word. Therefor we believe the owner hasn't read our request at all, altough we wrote it in english and german. The owner just wanted to keep all the money and pass on the whole possible damage due to the crisis at us. The behaviour of the owner shows that he cares less about the environment of his customers. It's not bothering him that they might be suffering more because of the crisis than he does. The only thing he cares about seems to be his profit. Do you want to give such people your money? In any case we will never again book one of his apartments.
This review applies to apartment 34 private garden scroll down for german version Hello, We cannot rate the apartment as we could not start our stay due to the Corona crisis. But we would like to evaluate the behavior of the owner in this crisis. We had booked for the beginning of April and then wanted to cancel the booking in mid / end of March because a worldwide travel warning and exit restrictions were imposed in Germany. So we shouldn't have come at all. In addition, there was a risk that we would not have come back to Germany because more and more borders were being closed. We then contacted the owner and asked if he could meet us or consider changing the booking to late summer. We would have liked to have agreed not to get the full amount back. The owner would have liked to be able to invoice the costs incurred when the property was vacant. Instead, we received a standardized answer that referred to the legal situation. No word was given to our suggestions, which is why we assume that our request was not even read, even though we had written it in German and English. The owner simply wanted to keep all of the money and thus pass the entire damage caused by the crisis on to us. We tried again a week later. The Netherlands had started to close parts of the border and in some places vacationers were evicted from their homes and asked to return to their home country. We did not receive any more answers to this request. The owner shows with his behavior that he is not in the least interested in the living conditions of his visitors. He doesn't seem to care whether these people have been hit harder by the crisis than he is. The only thing that was important to him was not to lose profits. Would you like to give your money to someone like that? In any case, we will never book here again. Hello, We can not rate the apartment itself because we weren't able to use it because of the corona crisis. However we would like to rate the behavior of the owner of the apartment during this crisis. We booked our stay for the begining of April and in the middle of march we lost hope that we would be allowed to go on vecation because of the corona crisis. Germany announced a worldwide travel warning and imposed a partly lockdown. We were not allowed to travel anymore. Furthermore there was the risk of not being allowed to come back if we would have decided to take our stay in the netherlands, because the borders were closed one by one at that time. We contacted the owner and asked if he could accommodate us a little bit with the refund or if we could reschedule our stay to late summer. We would have been fine with that or just a partly refund. As answer we just got a standardized typing which told us that we don't have the right to reschedule or get a refund. Our suggestion weren't mentioned in one little word. Therefor we believe the owner hasn't read our request at all, altough we wrote it in english and german. The owner just wanted to keep all the money and pass on the whole possible damage due to the crisis at us. The behavior of the owner shows that he cares less about the environment of his customers. It's not bothering him that they might be suffering more because of the crisis than he does. The only thing he cares about seems to be his profit. Do you want to give such people your money? In any case we will never again book one of his apartments.

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