Byzantijnse kapel - Dobbelmannweg 3

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Byzantijnse kapel

Address :

Dobbelmannweg 3, 6531 KT Nijmegen, Netherlands

Postal code : 6531
Website :
Categories :
City : Nijmegen

Dobbelmannweg 3, 6531 KT Nijmegen, Netherlands
Rosen Stoykov on Google

Gert-Jan van Oostrom on Google

Анна Букреева on Google

Ksenija k on Google

Nathan Noorland on Google

Daniel Hoseiny on Google

Nice parish. I was there and freely received communion without anyone offending me or demanding from a confession. ? May Christ God bless them ? The only sad thing is that one of their priests, Sergy Merkx, expelled me one day from an Orthodox church in Rotterdam because of their fear of the coronavirus, when I humbly prayed there on my knees. May God forgive him. Хороший приход. Я там был и свободно причащался без того, чтобы кто-то меня обижал или от меня какой-то исповеди домогался. ? Да благословит их Христос Бог ? Печально только то, что один из ихних священников, Сергий Меркс, выгнал меня однажды из православного храме в Роттердаме из-за страха перед коронавирусом, когда я там смиренно молился на коленях. Да простит его Господь.
Nice parish. I was there and freely received communion without anyone offending me or demanding from a confession. ? May Christ God bless them ? The only sad thing is that one of their priests, Sergy Merkx, expelled me one day from an Orthodox church in Rotterdam because of their fear of the coronavirus, when I humbly prayed there on my knees. May God forgive him. Nice arrival. I was there and freely received communion without anyone offending me or harassing me for any confession. ? May Christ God bless them ? The only sad thing is that one of their priests, Sergius Merckx, expelled me once from an Orthodox church in Rotterdam because of fear of the coronavirus, when I was there humbly praying on my knees. God forgive him.
Alla Demina on Google

Вас всегда здесь примут, мир и покой. Запись на службы заранее. Вчера была пасхальная служба - до утра. Все в масках, многие ещё и в перчатках, но атмосферу праздника это не испортило. Очень хорошая атмосфера. Причащение и угощения тоже были организованны с соблюдением всего необходимого.
You will always be welcomed here, peace and quiet. Registration for services in advance. Yesterday there was an Easter service - until the morning. Everyone is wearing masks, many of them are also wearing gloves, but this did not spoil the atmosphere of the holiday. Very good atmosphere. Communion and refreshments were also organized with the observance of everything necessary.
Alexej Jordanov on Google

Great church and people

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