Cova Personeelsdiensten BV - Burgemeester Coenegrachtstraat 43

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cova Personeelsdiensten BV

Address :

Burgemeester Coenegrachtstraat 43, 5922 BJ Venlo, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +7779
Postal code : 5922
Website :
Categories :
City : Venlo

Burgemeester Coenegrachtstraat 43, 5922 BJ Venlo, Netherlands
Agnieszka Blacha on Google

Bardzo dobra firma naprawdę
A very good company, really
Svetoslav Ivanov on Google

Работих за Cova в град Venlo(Blerick)Нидерландия от 23.10.2019 г.-до15.01.2020 г. Като цяло впечатленията ми от фирмата са отлични. Коректна посредническа Агенция за намиране на чуждестранни и местни сезонни и постоянни работници в Нидерландия и Германия. Заплащането е редовно,макар и 1 път месечно,но винаги на точната дата.Ако човек е нов ,и няма възможност и средства до 1-ва заплата,може да получи и аванс между 100 и 200 €.Все пак стандартът на живота в Германия, и особено в Нидерландия е доста по-висок от този в България и в Източна Европа.Ако знаете добре Английски, може да работите в Холандия. Ако пък немският ви език е по-добър,може да започнете работа за COVA в Германия. Жалко само, че се появи Световната епидемия от Corona Virus (Covid-19).И това беше причината да ми изгори двупосочния самолетен билет на Wizz Air ,за връщане София-Eindhoven ,на 18.03.т.г.Ако скоро обаче ситуацията се нормализира,то отново бих се върнал в Нидерландия, и отново с удоволствие бих работил за COVA Personal diestringt !!! ... С уважение:СветославИванов, София, България.
I worked for Cova in Venlo (Blerick), the Netherlands from October 23, 2019 to January 15, 2020. Overall, my impressions of the company are excellent. Correct intermediary Agency for finding foreign and local seasonal and permanent workers in the Netherlands and Germany. Payment is regular, although once a month, but always on the right date. If a person is new, and there is no opportunity and funds to the 1st salary, you can receive an advance between 100 and 200 €. However, the standard of living in Germany , and especially in the Netherlands is much higher than in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe. If you know English well, you can work in the Netherlands. If your German is better, you can start working for COVA in Germany. It is a pity that the World Epidemic of Corona Virus (Covid-19) appeared. , I would go back to the Netherlands again, and I would be happy to work for COVA Personal diestringt again !!! ... Sincerely, Svetoslav Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Gülnaz Keskin on Google

Ben 5 yıl çalıştım şehir değiştirdiğim için ayrıldım çok memnundum.
I worked for 5 years, I left because I changed city, I was very happy.
Pola P on Google

Dziwne, ze jeszcze nikt was nie zglosil do prokuratury za te obozy pracy. Zadowoleni to moga byc co najwyzej ci co ani me ani be w innym jezyku. Nie przeszkadza wtedy, ze szef na szklarni wyzywa od „leniwych, polskich ku*ew”. Zarobek na poziomie nizszym niz jakakolwiek ustawowa stawka. Oplaty pobierane nawet za koldre, prycz gorsza jak w polskim wiezieniu. Najwieksza zyciowa trauma, prosze mi wierzyc bo pisze ten komentarz po 9 latach od przygody tam.
It's strange that no one has reported you to the prosecutor's office for these labor camps yet. Satisfied, they can at best be neither in nor in a different language. It does not bother then that the boss in the greenhouse calls out "lazy, Polish f * cks". Earnings below any statutory rate. Fees charged even for a koldre, bunk worse than in a Polish prison. The biggest trauma in life, believe me, because I am writing this comment after 9 years from the adventure there.
Shirin Hatip on Google

Adnan Öztürk on Google

SeaArtz on Google

Good company, good job
Tadeusz Zwolinski on Google

Worked for the agency just a short while, had to resigned due to unacceptable planning of my work by Ramstad (Cova cooperate with them) not their fault tho. People in office very friendly, straight answer for questions, they willing to help,quick response. Personally I would recommend this agency.

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