Dental Clinics Almere Doddegrasweg - Doddegrasweg 6

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dental Clinics Almere Doddegrasweg

Address :

Doddegrasweg 6, 1313 AZ Almere, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 1313
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City : Almere

Doddegrasweg 6, 1313 AZ Almere, Netherlands
Gustaaf Gunput on Google

Professionele Mondhygienst Merel en dat geldt overigens ook voor de andere team leden. Prima pijnloze behandeling van lastige plekjes bij mijn kiezen onder een brug. Ik kom graag weer terug over 6 maanden.
Professional Dental Hygienst Merel and that also applies to the other team members. Excellent painless treatment of difficult places in my molars under a bridge. I would like to come back again in 6 months.
Redouan Assakali on Google

Graag wil ik via deze weg mijn complimenten nogmaals uitspreken naar mijn tandarts Sergio. In de afgelopen tijd ben ik enorm prettig ontvangen en zijn de adviezen en behandeling zeer professioneel verlopen. Daarnaast ben ik nog persoonlijk gebeld na mijn laatste behandeling om te vragen hoe het gaat! Pure vakmanschap! Daarom wil ik graag Dental Clinics aan de Doddegrasweg, in Almere aanbevelen voor een ieder in Almere en omstreken.
I would like to take this opportunity to once again extend my compliments to my dentist Sergio. In recent times I have been received very pleasantly and the advice and treatment have been very professional. In addition, I was personally called after my last treatment to ask how things are going! Pure craftsmanship! That is why I would like to recommend Dental Clinics at the Doddegrasweg, in Almere for everyone in Almere and the surrounding area.
Hebe Kamer on Google

De mondhygiëniste was opzich wel een aardige vrouw, ze was alleen heel ruw in de mond wat de ervaring niet echt fijn maakte. Verder proefde ik daardoor de heletijd ijzer in min mond wat dus betekende dat het aan het bloeden was in mijn mond. Ook vind ik het raar dat de tandarts het tandsteen niet verwijderd en tegen je zegt dat je een afspraak moet maken bij de mondhygiëniste. Hierdoor moet je twee keer 83 euro betalen ipv één keer. Als iemand die net 18 is en het zelf moet betalen is dit niet echt super fijn.
The dental hygienist was a nice woman, she was just very rough in the mouth, which did not really make the experience pleasant. Furthermore, I tasted iron in my mouth all the time, which meant that it was bleeding in my mouth. I also find it strange that the dentist does not remove the tartar and tells you to make an appointment with the dental hygienist. This means you have to pay 83 euros twice instead of once. As someone who has just turned 18 and has to pay for it themselves, this is not really great.
Limitless Dreams on Google

Ik kom al meer dan tien jaar bij Dental, omdat mijn ervaringen dan ook super goed zijn. ik had voordat ik bij Dental kwam natte ervaringen gehad, waardoor ik best angstig was geworden voor tandarts. Bij Dental werd dit heel fijn opgepakt, ook betreffende mijn zoontje toen. Al met al heb ik dan ook totaal geen angsten meer en ga met gerust hart erheen. Heel fijn is ook dat er ook al heeft men specifieke of aparte dingen er altijd mee gedacht word hoe het opgelost kan worden. Verder voel ik een fijne persoonlijke betrokkenheid. Waarmee ik dan afsluitend kan aangeven mijn Mondzorg is in de beste handen bij Dental, en bedank ik dan ook van harte mijn vaste Tandarts en Mondhygiëniste hiervoor.
I have been coming to Dental for more than ten years, because my experiences have been super good. I had had wet experiences before coming to Dental, which made me quite fearful of dentist. This was handled very nicely at Dental, also regarding my son at the time. All in all I don't have any fears anymore and I go there with peace of mind. It is also very nice that even if one has specific or separate things, it is always thought of how it can be solved. I also feel a great personal involvement. With which I can conclude that my dental care is in the best hands at Dental, and I would like to thank my regular Dentist and Dental Hygienist for this.
Michał Baron on Google

Great oral and dental care!
Hamid on Google

I had too much pain. called them couple times. they told will call me back. they did not. they do not care about people. wish I knew better place :(
Tamara Starink on Google

Unfortunately very bad experience with the scheduling and reception. I was sent to the clinic for the wortel kanaal treatment with a lot of unbearable pain. I emailed the letter on Friday morning and called two times, but on Tuesday evening there was still no appointment scheduled. I just did not hear anything. This is unknown in the world practice. This is knowing that the waiting time for just intake would take two weeks. Happily i could arrange treatment on Tuesday in another clinic. I can not say anything about the the treatment itself - did not have the patience to bear the pain and wait just for scheduling.
Anna on Google

Worst experience in my life!!! Had root canal treatment. 6 appointments during several months!!!. Drilling more and more. Now it is mostly filling and almost no tooth. Was afraid to loose the tooth completely. Had pain during treatment (drilling the painful nerve without anesthesia) because somehow the anesthesia was done wrong (always worked before many times). But most importantly my tooth started to hurt in a few months again. Now it is constant everyday little pain. Paid more than 800 euros for one tooth root canal treatment. Because they always don't have time and put temporary fillings and charge you for that, also for their mistakes (didn't remove nerve from 3 attempts). That's why actually the tooth itself became so small. And once lost the details of my appointment and my details completely right before it while I've been waiting for it for a month. During the procedure some equipment wasn't charged (died battery) and I had to stay with my mouth open for 30 minutes just when they were looking for another in other medical rooms for an alternative. Finally didn't find it and worked with the charger station in hands - very unhandy while delicate dentist procedures. Even one of receptionists was rude and doctor had to talk reasoning her. Facepalm - awful. Scared to go to a dentist in the Netherlands in general after this kind of nightmare service. Totally unprofessional and caring only about how they can charge you more even if it costs you pain, time and problems.

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