Engels Logistiek BV - Park Forum 1139

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Engels Logistiek BV

Address :

Park Forum 1139, 5657 HK Eindhoven, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 5657
Website : https://www.engelslogistiek.nl/
Categories :
City : Eindhoven

Park Forum 1139, 5657 HK Eindhoven, Netherlands
Dirk de Visser on Google

Goede service!
Good service!
karel van bijsterveldt on Google

perfecte leverancier, vriendelijk, snel en correct
perfect supplier, friendly, fast and correct
robbert van den akker on Google

Mooi familiebedrijf. Fijne werkgever!
Nice family business. Nice employer!
Joost Engels on Google

Ik werk hier na 40 jaar nog iedere dag met plezier!
After 40 years I still enjoy working here every day!
Twan van Duijnhoven on Google

Zelfs met een kleinebestelling, terplekken keurig geholpen. Ik kom hier zeker terug wanneer nodig.
Even with a small order, spots helped nicely. I'll definitely come back here when needed.
Rogier Kuipers on Google

Meerdere malen bij hun online besteld. Spullen goed en netjes op tijd afgeleverd. Prima goederen die lang meegaan.
Ordered from them several times online. Stuff delivered properly and neatly on time. Fine goods that last a long time.
James Bond on Google

Персонал дуже приязний, але під'їзд під рампи - ну дуже крутий
The staff is very friendly, but the entrance under the ramps - well, very cool
Vlad Skorubin on Google

Отправили сюда на выгрузку, дали рампу 3, подъезд к рампе не просто плохой, ужасный! зачем такой резкий склон? Короче поцарапал прицеп, нишу по запасное колесо и отбойник в задней части прицепа.Посмотрев на покрытие и понял я такой не один.Надеюсь меня услышат. Ужасный подъезд, не хочу больше сюда возвращаться.
We were sent here for unloading, given ramp 3, the approach to the ramp is not just bad, terrible! Why such a steep slope? In short, I scratched the trailer, a niche for the spare wheel and a bump stop at the rear of the trailer. Having looked at the coating and realized I was not one. I hope they will hear me. Awful entrance, I don't want to come back here anymore.

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