Fietsflat - Stationsplein

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fietsflat

Address :

Stationsplein, 1012 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands

Postal code : 1012
Website :
Categories :
City : Amsterdam

Stationsplein, 1012 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands
FeyEvil on Google

Для представителя не особо велосипедной страны выглядит впечатляюще. Велосипед в городе это отлично, и в Амстердаме образцовые условия для этого вида транспорта. Но тут перекос в другую сторону: очень много хамоватых велогонщиков, плюющих на правила и представляющих реальную опасность для пешеходов, особенно туристов.
For a representative of a non-cycling country, it looks impressive. Biking in the city is excellent, and in Amsterdam, exemplary conditions for this type of transport. But there is a bias in the other direction: there are a lot of boorish cyclists who spit on the rules and pose a real danger to pedestrians, especially tourists.
木村恵 on Google

アムステルダム中央駅前の巨大な駐輪場です。 街中にも沢山の駐輪スペースがあります。 自転車利用が多いのは、地形が平らで乗りやすいから、だけではなく環境が整ってる街なんですね。 歩行者は要注意です。
It is a huge bicycle parking lot in front of Amsterdam Central Station. There are many bicycle parking spaces in the city. Bicycles are often used not only because the terrain is flat and easy to ride, but also because the environment is in place. Pedestrians should be careful.
Andre Batista on Google

Belo pela quantidade anormal de bykes
Beautiful for the abnormal amount of bykes
Sigi Schlitzohr on Google

Haven't seen somethings like this before. That are too many guys..
Vinu Soma on Google

how cool is this... (maybe normal in Amsterdam, but not in the UK)...
Verena Preininger on Google

Hello, my bike (cube Reaktion 27,5 / Color: black, blue, Green) was stolen yesterday. Flietsflat Team, pls let me know if there are any cameras installed. Regards, Verena
Metal Scar on Google

It looks digusting! To many bikes. It looks so chaotic, like trash. And people can‘t drive their bikes either
Happy Traveler on Google

This is so cool, thousands of bikes parked here. Central location. Make sure to remember where your bike is, easy to get confused.

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