Heuvelman GSO bv zanddepot - Oterdumerpier - Valgenweg

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Heuvelman GSO bv zanddepot - Oterdumerpier

Address :

Valgenweg, Farmsum, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : http://www.heuvelman-gso.nl/
Categories :
City : Farmsum

Valgenweg, Farmsum, Netherlands
Benno Behrens on Google

Ein wenig versteckt, aber ein toller Ausblick.
A little hidden, but a great view.
Henny Speelman on Google

Je kunt er op warme dagen lekker zitten, als je een eigen tuinstoel meeneemt. Het is meer voor mensen zonder kinderen want voor kinderen is er niks. Je moet ook zelf eten en drinken meenemen, want dat is er ook niet. Heerlijk rustig zitten.
You can sit comfortably on warm days if you bring your own garden chair. It is more for people without children because there is nothing for children. You also have to bring your own food and drink, because there is none. Sit comfortably.
Allard Boer on Google

Altijd heerlijk om even uit te waaien en even op te laden
Always nice to get a breath of fresh air and recharge
Joël Vos on Google

Mooi uitzicht, vooral i.c.m.harde wind!
Nice view, especially with strong wind!
Simon Gorter on Google

Goede plek om even een frisse neus te halen
Good place to get some fresh air
DK360. nl on Google

Voor veel noorderlingen bekend als de pier van Termunten, en in het weekend gaan hier heel mensen heen om een patatje of kibbeling te eten vooral op de zondag, nu staan er veel windmolens maar blijft toch een leuke plek om eens te gaan kijken, tevens kun je ook is de 60 meter hoge radartoren te zien in het Duitse Emden.
Known as the pier of Termunten for many northerners, and on weekends many people go here to eat fries or squabbles especially on Sundays, now there are many windmills but still a nice place to go, also you can you can also see the 60 meter high radar tower in Emden, Germany.
Yanita Nikolova on Google

Oterdum е село в община Delfzijl, което има незавидна съдба. Съществувало почти хиляда години, издържало природни бедствия или исторически битки, селото изчезва от обичайното си историческо място през 70-те години на миналия век. Причините са две: издигане на дига, която да укрепи брега, а също и поради необходимото освобождаване на територии, върху които да се разраства холандската пристанищна промишленост. Върху дигата от историческото селище днес е останало само старото гробище на селото. На мястото около гробището, където някога се е издигала стара средновековна църква (също разрушена), наследниците на отколешните селяни издигат скромен нисък паметник: върху постамент от тухли поставят ръка от бронз. Това е ръката на Бог, която защитава това място и в дланта на която е изобразена църквата. Не знам колко време е съществувал този паметник, от който днес са останали само една камара срутени тухли. Причината е ясна- кражба на бронзовата ръка през 2011 година. Изкачването върху дигата, а после и панорамният поглед към Waddenzee разбърка спомените ми и ме запрати в други познати светове. Докато устоявахме на бурния северен вятър на брега няколко часа в правене на снимки или просто за релакс, по бетонния път, (който започваше от брега и свършваше около километър навътре в морето до една импровизирана бариера от каменни блокове и парчета мантинела), пристигаха автомобили с влюбени двойки. Явно това място беше много популярно за холандците, които го ползваха за и романтични срещи.
Oterdum is a village in the municipality of Delfzijl, which has an unenviable fate. Having existed for almost a thousand years, withstood natural disasters or historical battles, the village disappeared from its usual historical place in the 70s of the last century. There are two reasons: the construction of a dike to strengthen the coast, and also due to the necessary release of territories on which to grow the Dutch port industry. Today only the old cemetery of the village remains on the dike from the historic settlement. On the site around the cemetery, where an old medieval church once stood (also destroyed), the heirs of the former peasants erected a modest low monument: they placed a bronze hand on a brick pedestal. It is the hand of God that protects this place and in the palm of which the church is depicted. I do not know how long this monument has existed, of which only one chamber of collapsed bricks remains today. The reason is clear - theft of the bronze hand in 2011. Climbing the dike and then the panoramic view of Waddenzee stirred my memories and sent me to other familiar worlds. As we withstood the stormy north wind on the shore for several hours taking pictures or just relaxing, on the concrete road (which started from the shore and ended about a kilometer inland to a makeshift barrier of stone blocks and pieces of guardrail), cars arrived with couples in love. Apparently this place was very popular for the Dutch, who used it for romantic meetings.
Mohammad Soltanizadeh on Google

Is a nice place

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