INTK - Jaarbeursplein 6

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact INTK

Address :

Jaarbeursplein 6, 3521 AL Utrecht, Netherlands

Postal code : 3521
Website :
Categories :
City : Utrecht

Jaarbeursplein 6, 3521 AL Utrecht, Netherlands
Bibliotheek “Bieb023” Zuid-Kennemerland on Google

Het is fijn samenwerken met INTK. Het contact loopt goed, er wordt meegedacht en ze hebben veel kennis over Google Ad Grants in huis.
It is nice to work with INTK. The contact goes well, they contribute ideas and they have a lot of knowledge about Google Ad Grants.
Joel Personal on Google

En la Fundación PONS estamos encantados de trabajar con INTK, grandes profesionales. Destacar su atención inmediata, su calidad en el trabajo y el conocimiento amplio en la materia. Recomendamos el trabajar con ellos. Nuestra valoración es superior a las 5 estrellas!!!!!!!
At the PONS Foundation we are delighted to work with INTK, great professionals. Highlight their immediate attention, their quality of work and extensive knowledge on the subject. We recommend working with them. Our rating is above 5 stars !!!!!!!
Koninklijk museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen on Google

Aangename samenwerking. INTK staat steeds open voor vragen en feedback. Elke maand bezorgt het een evaluatie van het geleverde werk, gestaafd met cijfermateriaal. Tevreden over de service.
Pleasant cooperation. INTK is always open to questions and feedback. Every month it provides an evaluation of the work delivered, supported by figures. Satisfied with the service.
Utrecht Science Park on Google

INTK is een hele fijne organisatie om mee samen te werken. Het contact verloopt heel soepel. Ze reageren snel, denken mee en leveren kwaliteit!
INTK is a very nice organization to work with. The contact is very smooth. They respond quickly, think along and deliver quality!
Pietro Tessarin on Google

L'attività di INTK ha accresciuto e non di poco il traffico del sito web dell'azienda culturale per la quale lavoro. Di riflesso il successo delle loro campagne pubblicitarie ha avuto un riscontro più che positivo anche sulle stesse pagine social che ruotano intorno al portale del @teatrolafenice. Siamo tutti entusiasti di questo operato e difficilmente da oggi in poi ne potremo fare a meno.
INTK's activity has increased the traffic of the website of the cultural company I work for. As a result, the success of their advertising campaigns has had more than positive feedback also on the social pages that rotate around the @teatrolafenice portal. We are all enthusiastic about this work and from now on we can hardly do without it.
Fundació Joan Miró on Google

INTK es una empresa de referencia en la gestión de las Google Grants y da un servicio muy cercano y profesional en la gestión de las mismas. Nos han ayudado a mejorar mucho nuestro tráfico online y saben cómo generar campañas de calidad y que aporten valor a la empresa. Es una apuesta segura.
INTK is a benchmark company in the management of Google Grants and provides a very close and professional service in managing them. They have helped us to greatly improve our online traffic and they know how to generate quality campaigns that add value to the company. It is a safe bet.
Marlene Höning on Google

Great service! Very dedicated and professional team.
Dordtse Musea (Dordtse Musea) on Google

Professional service in managing our Google Grants account.

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