Jefitcoach Ray personal trainer én diëtist Purmerend - Lisdoddestraat 40

5/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Jefitcoach Ray personal trainer én diëtist Purmerend

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Lisdoddestraat 40, 1441 NN Purmerend, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 1441
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City : Purmerend

Aaron abram on Google

Danielle on Google

Kitty Lynn Joustra on Google

Op mijn weg naar de Olympische Spelen besloot ik jefitcoach Ray in te schakelen om mijzelf nog beter te ontwikkelen. De trainingen zijn afwisselend en creatief waardoor ik elke training weer opnieuw uitgedaagd word. Ik train al een paar jaar op het hoogste niveau waterpolo, maar sinds ik met Ray train heb ik fysiek veel stappen gezet. Ray kijkt welke spieren in mijn lichaam de boventoon hebben en welke nog meer ontwikkeld/geactiveerd moeten worden. Door zijn aanpak is mijn lichaam meer in balans wat er weer voor zorgt dat ik minder blessures krijg, sterker ben en ook dat ik beter kan presteren in mijn andere trainingen. Ray zelf is altijd positief en super gepassioneerd in zijn vak wat ik heel mooi vind. Kitty Lynn Joustra, Purmerland (Nederlands Team waterpolo)
On my way to the Olympics, I decided to call in your fitness coach Ray to develop myself even better. The training courses are varied and creative, so that I am challenged again every training. I've been training at the highest level in water polo for a few years now, but since I've been training with Ray I've taken a lot of physical steps. Ray looks at which muscles in my body predominate and which ones need to be developed / activated even more. Because of his approach my body is more in balance, which in turn ensures that I get fewer injuries, that I am stronger and that I can perform better in my other workouts. Ray himself is always positive and super passionate about his profession, which I really like. Kitty Lynn Joustra, Purmerland (Netherlands Team water polo)
Simone Busstra on Google

Inmiddels bijna een jaar geleden ben ik begonnen met trainen bij Ray. Al jaren doe ik verschillende lesjes op de sportschool maar sinds ik bij Ray train ben ik me pas echt bewust van het juist belasten van je spieren en hoe belangrijk dit is. Naast het serieuze trainen (met oefeningen die je echt nog nooit eerder gedaan of zelfs maar gezien hebt) is er een fijne ontspannen sfeer en altijd tijd voor een grapje. Ik heb nog even te gaan tot ik mijn persoonlijke doel zal bereiken maar de weg daarnaartoe geeft mij al zoveel zelfvertrouwen dat ik erop gebrand ben om door te gaan.
Almost a year ago I started training with Ray. I've been doing different classes at the gym for years, but since I've been training with Ray I've become really aware of the correct load on your muscles and how important this is. In addition to serious training (with exercises that you have never done or even seen before) there is a nice relaxed atmosphere and always time for a joke. I still have a while to go until I reach my personal goal, but the road there already gives me so much confidence that I am eager to continue.
Paul Bonnemaijers on Google

Een aantal jaar geleden heb ik contact gezocht met Ray i.v.m. mijn overgewicht (Morbide Obesitas). Na een zeer intensieve periode met Ray waar ik ontzettend veel geleerd heb, zijn onze wegen helaas gescheiden i.v.m. privé problemen. Altijd heb ik de trainingen van Ray in mijn achterhoofd gehouden, altijd heb ik mij aan het voedingsschema van Ray gehouden. Met als uiteindelijke resultaat dat op een één of andere manier Ray altijd als een soort engeltje op mijn schouder is blijven meekijken. Én dat we dus nu op licht overgewicht zitten, en er een groen BMI voor ogen is. Inmiddels is er 52 kilo vanaf, en het eind is nog niet in zicht! Dit had ik nooit durven dromen zonder Ray. Bedankt Ray! Dat ik dankzij jouw hulp en adviezen, weer achter mijn kinderen aan kan rennen en spelen, dat ik lichamelijk fitter ben dan ik ooit ben geweest. Dat ik weer een fijne leuke partner ben. Ik had dit zonder jouw begeleiding nooit zelf kunnen klaarspelen!
A few years ago I contacted Ray regarding my overweight (Morbid Obesity). After a very intensive period with Ray in which I learned a lot, unfortunately our paths have separated due to Personal problems. I have always kept Ray's training sessions in mind, I have always adhered to Ray's diet plan. With the final result that in one way or another Ray has always continued to watch over my shoulder as a kind of angel. And that we are now slightly overweight, and we have a green BMI in mind. In the meantime, 52 kilos have been lost, and the end is not yet in sight! I would never have dreamed this without Ray. Thanks Ray! That thanks to your help and advice I can run and play after my children again, that I am physically fitter than I have ever been. That I am a nice nice partner again. I could never have done this myself without your guidance!
Azzurra Rizzo on Google

I decided to train with Ray last June 2019 after months of inactivity and I can say that it was the best decision that I could take. I still remember the moments when Ray was asking me to try an exercise to train a specific muscle and I was feeling tension on a completely different part of the body due to my body compensating with other muscles for years. He started to unblock my muscles with patience and by assigning exercises at home. I’ve had strong pain in my neck and shoulders for many years because of wrong postures and the same thing was for my lower back and gluteus. Ray quickly saw my issues and he corrected my postures by doing specific exercises tailored for me and providing scientific explanation and advice on how to move properly. I now treasure those suggestions because I know how to recognize when I’m moving in the wrong way and I can prevent injuries while training and also in everyday life. I would definitely recommend taking lessons with Ray, he’s an expert in what he does and you are in good hands with him (although he suggests me to avoid eating pasta every day, and I’m Italian!) Azzurra
Dragos Petre on Google

After a few months of back pain, my physiotherapist suggested doing fitness in order to get rid of it, but the problem is that it is very hard to start doing fitness as a beginner with the overwhelming amount of information on the internet. Especially since we are all built differently, it is very hard to figure out which body parts need more attention, so that you don't do the exercises wrong or even hurt yourself. Therefore I tried looking for a personal trainer online and after seeing Ray's commitment to treating sport as a science I knew I had to train with him. He analyzed and picked up on my weakest spots quickly, showing me things about my body (rigidity, bad movement, etc.) that I have never noticed before. He has then helped me train them properly with great compound exercises and techniques which I would have never learned by myself on the internet. The fact that the training could be done in English was also an amazing plus since I am not that knowledgeable of Dutch yet. I went in expecting to lift dumbbells but instead I got a better posture, no more back pain and soreness in muscles that I never knew I had. Training with Ray is a great experience that I would definitely recommend to anyone!

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