Kramer Terminal Services B.V. - Missouriweg 30

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kramer Terminal Services B.V.

Address :

Missouriweg 30, 3199 LB Maasvlakte Rotterdam, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +888
Postal code : 3199
Website :
Categories :
City : Maasvlakte Rotterdam

Missouriweg 30, 3199 LB Maasvlakte Rotterdam, Netherlands
Bob Kuipers on Google

Vriendelijk personeel, soms is het wel druk en sta je even of lang te wachten. Voor de rest prima service.
Friendly staff, sometimes it is busy and you have to wait a while or long. Other than that, great service.
JMD JMDredd on Google

Pentru prima dată aici,nu știi dacă trebuie să iei sau lași container din partea stângă sau dreaptă...fiind 2 locații poti alege greșit in ce parte trebuie lăsat containerul,este o pierdere de timp pe care acest terminal nu o poate rezolva într-un mod eficient!
For the first time here, you don't know if you have to take or leave a container on the left or right side ... being 2 locations you can choose wrongly in which side the container should be left, it is a waste of time that this terminal cannot solve in an efficient way!
Richard Wachter on Google

Als het druk is dan is het een zooitje geen goede bewegwijzering, stop 1en 4 en 5 door elkaar Verder zijn ze goed vriendelijk bij de poort
If it is busy then it is a mess, not good signage, stop 1, 4 and 5 together They are also very friendly at the gate
FrankyR FJR on Google

Redelijk te doen. Kan soms erg druk zijn. Card-lezers werken niet altijd mee. 24/7 balie wat prettiger is voor mij dan die eeuwige intercom (slechthorende)
Doable. Can be very busy at times. Card readers do not always cooperate. 24/7 desk which is better for me than that eternal intercom (hearing impaired)
Cristian Simon on Google

Se poate si mai bine. Personalul este amabil cu exceptia unui individ blond care verifica containerele; omul are o aroganta si o ignoranta extraordinare. Nu iti explica nimic, nici macar nu se coboara la un nivel atat de josnic incat sa vorbeasca cu soferii straini. Vine langa tine, iti povesteste pe limba lui ca esti prost si nu esti bun de nimic, dupa care pleaca nepasator mai departe, fara sa te ajute catusi de putin. Am aproximativ 5 ani de cand lucrez la containere dar, un asemenea exemplar de "om", nu am intalnit in nici un terminal pana la Kramer Delta...
Can be even better. The staff is friendly except for a blond individual checking the containers; man has extraordinary arrogance and ignorance. It doesn't explain anything to you, it doesn't even go down to such a low level as to talk to foreign drivers. He comes to you, tells you in his language that you are stupid and you are not good at anything, after which he leaves carelessly, without helping you in the slightest. I have been working on containers for about 5 years, but I have never met such a "human" in any terminal until the Kramer Delta ...
Andre Walker on Google

asparuh. yankov on Google

Kramer is not bed
Eric Everwijn on Google

As a trucker I don't comment I only rate based on my personal experience.

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