Nabuurs te Heijen - Hoogveld 21

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nabuurs te Heijen

Address :

Hoogveld 21, 6598 BL Heijen, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +89
Postal code : 6598
Website :
Categories :
City : Heijen

Hoogveld 21, 6598 BL Heijen, Netherlands
janiapu on Google

Kissé felsőbbrendű ék képzelik magukat a raktári dolgozók. Nekem maszkot kellett viselni, de ők nem viselik, nyugodtan szórhatják szét a vírust! Az udvar tele, megfordulni is alig lehet! Nem szívesen járok ide!
Slightly superior wedges are imagined by warehouse workers. I had to wear a mask, but they don’t wear it, they can safely spread the virus! The yard is full, you can hardly turn around! I'm reluctant to come here!
Віталій Лужний on Google

Паркінг біля фірми маленький, заїзд під рампи проблематичний. Реєструєшся в білому вагончику, можеш довго чекати на загрузку або вигрузку (електрична рохля),постійно висне система. Заночувати можна, є туалет, кава по 10 центів
Parking near the company is small, arrival under the ramps is problematic. You register in a white car, you can wait a long time for loading or unloading (electric rohlya), the system is constantly hanging. You can spend the night, there is a toilet, coffee for 10 cents
Vitalii Okhrimchuk on Google

Была доставка груза на данную фирму. Сектор B, рампы 18-20. Сразу на повороте на фирму. Сначала в офис, возле рампы 18,потом рампа и назад за документами. Выгрузжают работники фирмы? Персонал приветливый ??? В офисе есть туалет для посетителей. Всем удачи ??
There was a delivery of cargo to this company. Sector B, ramps 18-20. Immediately at the turn to the firm. First to the office, near ramp 18, then the ramp and back to get the documents. The employees of the company are unloading? The staff is friendly ??? The office has a toilet for visitors. Good luck everyone ??
Michal Piotrowski on Google

Magazyn , na terenie zakładu ciasny parking na ciężarówki .
Warehouse, narrow truck parking lot on site.
валентин желудок on Google

The woman in the office doesn't care about her job, and neither does the drivers.
Eu S on Google

Really long time waiting for load, at office woman could be nicer to drivers. For dutch drivers she are nice.
Robert Simon on Google

Tha woman at the office outside couldn’t care less about her job any the drivers. 15 minutes to register with nobody in front of me, 10 minutes after loading to let her know I finished loading and need the papers and another 15 minutes to get the papers.
Svetlin Slavchov on Google

Very bad space for loading/unloading.Small parking and very short place to take turn . Its possible to loose all day waiting. If find place its possible to spend the night.

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