Nedschroef Headquarters - Kanaaldijk N.W. 75

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nedschroef Headquarters

Address :

Kanaaldijk N.W. 75, 5707 LC Helmond, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 5707
Website :
Categories :
City : Helmond

Kanaaldijk N.W. 75, 5707 LC Helmond, Netherlands
Wojciech Chyla on Google

Super miła obsługa klienta
Super nice customer service
Hendrika van Hout on Google

Ik ben er al 45jr in dienst
I have been employed there for 45 years
bart larmit on Google

Fijn bedrijf
Fine company
Stanislav Stefanov on Google

Планувайте времето си.Пред фирмата няма място за паркиране.Натоварването е бързо.
Plan your time. There is no parking space in front of the company. The load is fast.
Евгений Пухальский on Google

Быстрая погрузка. Одно неудобство - практически в центре города, главное не проехать поворот, потом запрет на движение грузового транспорта.
Fast loading. One inconvenience is practically in the center of the city, the main thing is not to pass the turn, then the ban on the movement of freight transport.
Miroslav Banov on Google

От тук товарех празни контейнери от сервизна база и нямам наблюдение за експедицията,но ме натовариха много бързо.
From here I loaded empty containers from the service base and I have no observation for the expedition, but they loaded me very quickly.
Лёха «Змей» on Google

На въезде записываемся имя , фирма, время, дальше скажут куда ехать, нарисованы линии разных цветов, по ним приедите в нужное место. Приехал по времени, всё прошло быстро. Их цмр.
At the entrance we write down the name, company, time, then they will tell where to go, lines of different colors are drawn, follow them to the right place. Came on time, everything went quickly. Their cmr.
Milan Djordjevic on Google

Very good

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