Pro VVE Beheer B.V. - Ampèrelaan 4

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pro VVE Beheer B.V.

Address :

Ampèrelaan 4, 2289 CD Rijswijk, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +987777
Postal code : 2289
Website :
Categories :
City : Rijswijk

Ampèrelaan 4, 2289 CD Rijswijk, Netherlands
Ingrid Bergsma on Google

Omdat ik afgelopen jaar teveel aan bijdrage had betaald zou ik ruim 1500 euro terug krijgen. Ik betaal altijd vooruit. Ze hebben de brutaliteit om alsnog van het tegoed de bijdrage van november 2020 in mindering te brengen (deze betaal ik op 26 oktober). Als je dan een e-mail stuurt, krijg je eenvoudig weg geen antwoord. Dit is niet onze eerste hele slechte ervaring met dit k*tbedrijf. WAARDELOZE VVE.
Because I had paid too much in contribution last year, I would get more than 1500 euros back. I always pay in advance. They have the audacity to still deduct the contribution of November 2020 from the credit (I will pay this on October 26). If you then send an e-mail, you will simply not receive an answer. This isn't our first really bad experience with this k * t company. WORTHLESS VVE.
Yael Slingerland on Google

Slechte vve. Communiceert slecht, reageert traag of niet op vragen en pakt achterstallig onderhoud niet aan. Luistert niet naar de klant
Bad VVE. Communicates poorly, responds slowly or not to questions and does not address overdue maintenance. Doesn't listen to the customer
Melissa Jansen on Google

Fraudeurs! Urenlang in de wacht en niemand neemt op. Volgens mij werken hier geen mensen. Belachelijke organisatie
Fraudsters! On hold for hours and no one picks up. I don't think people work here. Ridiculous organization
Stef Van Solen on Google

Zeer slechte service, verschrikkelijk slecht in communicatie , ze zijn gewoon oplichters ik raad niemand met deze slechte Vve beheer zaken te maken . Oplichters
Very bad service, terribly bad in communication, they are just scammers I don't advise anyone to do business with this bad Vve management. scammers
Maarten Nicoline on Google

Zeer slechte service. Niet aan te raden. In de afgelopen 2 jaar is er niets gebeurd, zelfs geen vergadering. Ondanks meerdere pogingen om contact op te nemen, klachten, eigen initiatieven gebeurt er nog steeds helemaal niets. Ook werkzaamheden worden niet uitgevoerd. Zeer arrogante houding, nemen klachten niet serieus en lopen geen stap harder.
Very bad service. Not recommended. Nothing has happened in the last 2 years, not even a meeting. Despite several attempts to contact, complaints, own initiatives, nothing happens at all. Also work is not performed. Very arrogant attitude, don't take complaints seriously and don't walk faster.
iris wit on Google

Extreem slecht en klantonvriendelijk, kan helaas niet minder sterren geven. Krijg gelukkig zelden met zo’n slechte organisatie te maken. Afrader!!
Extremely bad and customer unfriendly, unfortunately can't give less stars. Fortunately, you rarely have to deal with such a bad organization. Not recommended!!
Christian Vonk on Google

Communication is terrible and in the era of the internet, how is it that there is no easy way to see if you're up to date with payments? Took me a month to be able to access the website with my account, just to realize the website is useless. Make a website where i can easily see my balance due and I can make payments. Quick to ask for your money and charge you extra, but the moment you actually have a problem in your house, takes them ages to get anything done.
Lior Steinberg on Google

Stay away from them. Unless you like paying money and get no service. I think that part of their business model is to ignore the problems, in order to make owners to pay from their own pocket.

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