Rosemarijn Bakker Rebirthing Breathwork - Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 278

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rosemarijn Bakker Rebirthing Breathwork

Address :

Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 278, 2593 BS Den Haag, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 2593
Categories :
City : Den Haag

Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 278, 2593 BS Den Haag, Netherlands
Ugo Tonneijck on Google

Rosemarijn is een ware harte openere met haar rebirthing techniek heeft ze me voortdurend bij de les gehouden.
Rosemarijn is a real opener with her rebirthing technique, she has constantly kept me on track.
Lois Elzen on Google

Rosemarijn heeft mijn sessie heel liefdevol en veilig begeleid. Ze is zo lief en bij haar voel ik engelen energie. De sessie heeft ze heel sereen begeleid en voelde ze perfect aan waar ik was in mijn proces, zo kon ik steeds een laagje dieper gaan en heb ik een super kostbare en emotionele sessie van haar ontvangen. Haar energie is veilig. ?
Rosemarijn guided my session very lovingly and safely. She is so sweet and with her I feel angelic energy. She guided the session very serenely and she felt perfectly where I was in my process, so I could go a layer deeper and I received a super precious and emotional session from her. Her energy is safe. ?
Jantine van der Hurk on Google

Lieve mooie Rosemarijn, Jij, een vrouw, met zoveel diepgang en gevoel. Twee keer heb ik bij jou moge ademen en twee keer voelde ik me enorm gedragen. De tweede keer hebben we buiten geademd onder een boom, in de zon, de vogels in de lucht en de paarden naast ons in de weide. Mijn reis naar binnen was prachtig. Ik heb zo heerlijk geademd en mijn thema was 'thuiskomen bij mezelf'. En Wow wat heb ik dat gevoeld. Jouw begeleiding, de variaties in ademhoudingen heeft mij gebracht in een staat van Bewust Zijn. Totale overgave en verbinding met mezelf. En toen braken de zonnestralen door die recht in mijn gezicht schenen. Ja het was magisch. Dankjewel lieve mooie Rosemarijn ? liefs Jantine
Dear beautiful Rosemary, You, a woman, with such depth and feeling. Twice I was allowed to breathe with you and twice I felt enormously carried. The second time we breathed outside under a tree, in the sun, the birds in the sky and the horses next to us in the meadow. My journey inside was beautiful. I breathed so wonderfully and my theme was 'coming home to myself'. And wow did I feel that. Your guidance, the variations in breath positions has brought me into a state of Consciousness. Total surrender and connection with myself. And then the sunbeams broke through and shone right into my face. Yes it was magical. Thank you dear beautiful Rosemarijn ? love Jantine
Martine Lamme on Google

Ik heb van Rosemarijn twee fijne sessies ervaren, waaronder eentje in een warm bad. In onze ‘droge’ sessie zijn er bij mij veel emoties losgekomen. Dit kan alleen gebeuren als je je volkomen veilig voelt bij de begeleiding, en dit is bij Rosemarijn zeker het geval! In het warme water heb ik ook een fijne ervaring met haar gehad. Rosemarijn is heel lief, voelt goed aan wat je nodig hebt en geeft je all of her!
I have experienced two nice sessions from Rosemarijn, including one in a warm bath. In our 'dry' session, many emotions were released in me. This can only happen if you feel completely safe with the guidance, and this is certainly the case with Rosemarijn! I also had a nice experience with her in the warm water. Rosemarijn is very sweet, feels well what you need and gives you all of her!
Chrissie ten Brincke on Google

De breathwork sessie van Rosemarijn was ontzettend fijn. Ze voelde precies aan wat ik nodig had op elk moment en bood mij dat ook. Rosemarijn begeleide met veel liefde en zachtheid. Haar begeleiding voelde heel natuurlijk aan en was zonder oordeel waardoor je je erg veilig en gedragen voelt. Doordat het zo goed aanvoelde was er ruimte en voelde het goed om mezelf open te stellen en een super mooie en bijzondere sessie te ervaren. Dankjewel Rosemarijn voor dit bijzondere moment!
Rosemarijn's breathwork session was very nice. She sensed exactly what I needed at every moment and offered me that too. Rosemary guided with a lot of love and softness. Her guidance felt very natural and was without judgment making you feel very safe and supported. Because it felt so good, there was space and it felt good to open up and experience a super beautiful and special session. Thank you Rosemarijn for this special moment!
Sanne Knoop on Google

Rosemarijn is a beautiful and adventurous soul. During our session she guided me with so much warmth and love which made me feel completely safe. Emotions came up and got released and at the end of the session. I felt so carried and was surrounded with angelic energy. Thank you for your loving presence! ❤️
Iris van Soest on Google

Review Iris (38) June/July 2021 My Rebirthing Breathwork journey (10 sessions) has supported me in one of the most challenging times of my life. To learn that my own breath is the key to release trauma and moving blockages out of my body, my cells, has been transformative. At the end of most of my sessions I saw beautiful sacred geometry visuals through my minds eye. Translated by Rosemary as the communion of my higher spirit with my soul. Rosemary is professional, devoted, supportive and when needed she’ll give you a little push in the most loving way. I feel blessed and super grateful to have had my first journey with her. Aho ???✨
H S on Google

Rosemarijn was excellent. From the moment I arrived I felt peaceful and safe because her space is immaculate and inviting. I had never tried this type of work before so she took time to explain the process and answer my questions before beginning. The experience itself was difficult to describe. Going into the session, I wasn’t sure that I would discover anything new about myself but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I’ve only had one session but I want to continue this journey because there is a lot still to discover. There were a mix of physical and emotional sensations during the session and Rosemary was right there guiding me through it all seemingly connected to me and my experience. At the end of the session, she carefully brought me back to the here and now and gave additional advice for how to care for myself that day and going forward based on my experience. I highly recommend working with Rosemary and can’t wait to see her again.

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