Saunaclub Salome Men's Spa - Riemker Str. 110

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Saunaclub Salome Men's Spa

Address :

Riemker Str. 110, 44625 Herne, Germany

Phone : 📞 +9979
Postal code : 44625
Website :
Categories :
City : Herne

Riemker Str. 110, 44625 Herne, Germany
Serkan Kara on Google

Ben bir hafta önce ordaydım şimdiki sahibi tam bir şerefsiz her türlü pislik dönüyor bu klüpte ayrı,ayrı söylemek istemiyorum siz anlayın benden tavsiye gitmeyin Yıllardır gidiyorum hep aynı boktan bir dahada gitmiyorum geç anladım hiç bi değişiklik yok kadınlar desen hep aynı karılar milleti soymaya çalışıyorlar önce konuşuyorsun iyi muamele yaparım odaya gidiyosun köpek muamelesi görüyorsun burdan başka çok güzel yerler var paranızı böyle pislik kluplere harcamayın...
I was there a week ago the current owner is a complete dishonor all kinds of filthy turns in this club is separate, don't tell you apart, understand me do not go advice for years I'm not going to be the same shit all the time I've been late, no change women pattern is always trying to rob the same profits before the nation are talking good treats go to the room you are treated like a dog There are so many other places where you don't spend your money on such filthy clubs ...
Serkan Kara on Google

Bu klüpte her pislik dönüyor içeceklerinize dikkat edin eğer gidecekseniz neler katıyolar neler ayrı,ayrı yazmayayım siz anlayın şimdiki sahibi tam bir ş......z adı üstünde p..zevnlik yapıyo kadınlar aynı b...ktan hep aynı karılar hepside kartlaşmış muamele yok köpek muamelesi görüyosun demem o daha başka güzel yerlere harcayın paranızı eğlenceye. Çok güzel yerler var arkadaşlar şiddetle tavsiye edmiyorum burayı
Every club in this club turns to your drinks, if you go, what if you go, what do you want to separate, separate, do not write your own owner now a full name ...... z on the same name of the same ... If you don't treat the dog as a treat, you can spend your money on other beautiful places. I don't strongly recommend friends to have very nice places here
Sam Sabo on Google

Wat een gare club, ga hier aub niet heen tenzij je je geld wil verspillen. We waren omstreeks 13:00 uur binnen en er liepen 5 vrouwen, 4 daarvan waren niet knap en 1 was oke. Het bleef rustig, er is geen sfeer en het aantal dames blijft op 6/7 hangen. Dit is geen fijne en gezellige club, weinig keuze en de meeste zijn niet knap... geen sfeer dus je zit er maar een beetje en meer niet... Weggegooid geld.
What a crazy club, please don't go here unless you want to waste your money. We arrived around 1 p.m. and 5 women were walking in, 4 of them were not handsome and 1 was okay. It remained quiet, there is no atmosphere and the number of ladies remains at 6/7. This is not a nice and cozy club, little choice and most are not handsome ... no atmosphere so you just sit there a bit and more ... Wasted money.
Tom Harald on Google

Auf der Internetseite steht jetzt schon gefühlt 3 Jahre "Bilder folgen in kürze". Was ist den bitte dieses "in Kürze" ? Sind die im täglichen Geschäft auch so ungenau mit dingen?
It has been on the website for 3 years now, "Pictures will follow shortly". What is this "in brief" please? Are they that inaccurate with things in day-to-day business?
Tom Harald on Google

Dann auch noch seinen Kunden lügen unterstellen. Man schaue sich das Bild an. Ich denke schon das ich auf der richtigen Seite bin. Aber anscheinend kennen sie ihr eigenes Geschäft nichtmal.
Then accuse his customers of lying. You look at the picture. I do think I'm on the right page. But apparently they don't even know their own business.
Hayden Tyson on Google

Exellent! Beautiful Girls and clean Rooms!
Markus Kuhn on Google

I think this club is the best NRW club right now. Always a good selection of girls. Never too crowded. Most importantly no waiting times like at GT. But dont go there if you like nice food...
Khushnom media on Google

So very bad place in my life. Girls all not beautiful Price 50€ before to say you have 30minits after pay many is continued 10 minutes ???? No Recommendation.After sauna in there must have some place for swimming but I don't see

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