Therapeuticum Aurum - Frits de Zwerverhove 1

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Therapeuticum Aurum

Address :

Frits de Zwerverhove 1, 2717 TP Zoetermeer, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +798
Postal code : 2717
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Categories :
City : Zoetermeer

Frits de Zwerverhove 1, 2717 TP Zoetermeer, Netherlands
Marjolein Wolvers on Google

De praktijk van dr. Ephraïm is een fijne praktijk! Dr. Ephraïm en de huisarts in opleiding nemen beide uitgebreid de tijd en luisteren ook goed naar je klachten. Het is geen praktijk waarbij ze snel zullen zeggen: "het zit tussen je oren". Hou hierdoor er wel rekening dat de spreekuren stevig uit kunnen lopen. Telefonische bereikbaarheid kan beter.
Dr. Ephraim's practice is a great practice! Dr. Ephraim and the general practitioner in training both take their time and listen carefully to your complaints. It is not a practice in which they will quickly say: "it is between your ears". Keep in mind that the consultation hours can be long. Telephone accessibility could be better.
Corina Van Der Kleij on Google

Ongelooflijk blij met dit centrum en huisarts! Had ik veel eerder moeten doen. Voel me gehoord en begrepen! Een fijne andere kijk op de ( gezondheids) zorg!
Incredibly happy with this center and doctor! I should have done much sooner. Feel heard and understood! A nice different view on (health) care!
Zeraja van Gaalen on Google

Pfff ik kom er al vanaf 2006 en ik vind het nú een puinhoop en ongeorganiseerd. De andere huisartsen praktijken zitten vol, helaas. Mijn huisarts is ziek daar ben ik tevreden over. Ik mis haar. Wordt dan serieus genomen.
Pfff I've been coming here since 2006 and now I find it a mess and disorganized. The other GP practices are full, unfortunately. My doctor is sick and I am happy about that. I miss her. Then be taken seriously.
Terrence Pellikaan on Google

Gemiddelde wachttijd 1 uur. Kom dus nooit op tijd.
Average waiting time 1 hour. So never be on time.
Caroline de Vries on Google

De huisartsenpraktijk laat veel steken vallen en er gaat door een slechte planning, organisatorisch heel veel mis. Om een paar punten te benoemen. 1. Een afspraak loopt in de wachtruimte altijd minimaal 30 minuten uit. Ik heb zelfs een keer een uitloop gehad van bijna 2 uur. 2. De telefonische assistente's doen hun best, maar ik heb vaker meegemaakt dat er verkeerde medicijnen waren doorgegeven bij de apotheek of dat er een onjuiste beschrijving van de klachten waren doorgegeven. 3. Telefonisch contact is vaak erg lastig. Je moet erg veel geduld hebben om iemand te kunnen bereiken. 4. Je hebt toch op regelmatige basis met verschillende invallers en assistentes te maken. Dit maakt het soms bijna frustrerend om weer hetzelfde verhaal te moeten uitleggen. Er zijn nog wel meer punten die ik zo kan benoemen. Ik heb ervoor gekozen om naar een andere huisartsenpraktijk te gaan. Bijna iederen die ik ken en die ook hier komt, is van mening dat de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening ver beneden peil is. Je komt er uiteindelijk wel, maar het gaat meestal niet zoals het hoort. Organisatorisch zijn er veel verbeterpunten. De communicatie, inlevingsvermogen, wachttijden, telefonisch contact enz mogen echt veel beter.
The general practice drops a lot of stitches and due to poor planning, a lot of things go wrong from an organizational point of view. To name a few points. 1. An appointment is always at least 30 minutes late in the waiting area. I even had a run of almost 2 hours once. 2. The telephone assistants do their best, but I have often experienced that wrong medicines were passed on to the pharmacy or that an incorrect description of the complaints was given. 3. Telephone contact is often very difficult. You have to be very patient to reach someone. 4. You still have to deal with different substitutes and assistants on a regular basis. This sometimes makes it almost frustrating to have to explain the same story again. There are still more points that I can mention like that. I chose to go to another GP practice. Almost everyone I know who comes here also believes that the quality of service is way below par. You'll get there eventually, but it usually doesn't go the way it should. There are many areas for improvement from an organizational point of view. The communication, empathy, waiting times, telephone contact, etc. could really be much better.
flora mesquita on Google

They treated the patient not only the disease. They listen us carefully and do their best to help us I come from to bad experiences and I found a place to always fell secure.
Nemo Burkhard on Google

I have had numerous bad experiences at this clinic, mainly to do with the administration. One time I called to make an appointment, and when I turned up a week later for said appointment they casually informed me that there was no appointment. I’m honestly not sure which is worse, that or the time they made me wait for TWO hours in the waiting room, with me checking each 20 mins if it would be much longer, with the reply “Just a little bit longer”. At the two hour mark they finally sent someone to ask the doctor, and he told me he had called out my name in the waiting room and couldn’t find me. With me there. The whole time. For two hours. I think he just forgot about me. I have had a few good conversations with the doctors there, but generally the only real world help they have been has been referring me on to a specialist on my request. They seem professional and generally helpful, whereas the administration staff are polite, but inept.
ömer çito on Google

It is very annoying and dissapointing to see people not keeping their promises which is most of the time the case with this clinic. My wife had a serious health issue that she was in pain. We were really desperate to learn the diagnosis. Certain tests were performed in the clinic and hospital but although they told us the clinic would call us back nobody called us for the test results. We had/have to follow up everything. They gave us a specific time that they would call us however they never ever keep their promises. I do not know what is their motivation but this should not be absolutely the way of working or this is not ethical….

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