Trinseo Netherlands - Herbert H. Dowweg 5

1.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Trinseo Netherlands

Address :

Herbert H. Dowweg 5, 4542 NM Hoek, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 4542
Website :
Categories :
City : Hoek

Herbert H. Dowweg 5, 4542 NM Hoek, Netherlands
Kostya Semenov on Google

На реєстрації сидить двоє лисих неадекватних людей, які нічого не повідомляють а тільки розкидаються документами і всім іншим, постійно кричать і не дають змоги водіям один одному щось пояснити. Заберіть психічно не врівноважених з бюро поки поліцію не викликали водії!!!! There are two bald inadequate people at the check-in, who do not report anything but just scatter documents and everything else, constantly shout and do not allow drivers to explain something to each other. Take the mentally unbalanced from the office until the police are called by the drivers !!!!
There are two bald inadequate people at the check-in, who do not report anything but only scatter documents and everything else, constantly shout and do not allow drivers to explain something to each other. Take the mentally unbalanced from the office until the police are called by the drivers !!!! There are two bald inadequate people at the check-in, who do not report anything but just scatter documents and everything else, constantly shout and do not allow drivers to explain something to each other. Take the mentally unbalanced from the office until the police are called by the drivers !!!!
Mersudin Husicic on Google

Užasno mjesto.Moja noga vise kročiti nece u ovu luđačku kompaniju! Procedure koje morate uraditi prilikom ulaska u firmu su rigorozne,kao da ulazite u pentagon!
Terrible place. My foot won't step into this crazy company anymore! The procedures you have to do when entering a company are rigorous, like entering a pentagon!
Maks Truck Driver on Google

Ужасное место . В офисе там где принимают экзамен персонал нормальный. Выгрузка была в 384 доке разгружался.грубили? хамили ?. Насмеивались . Нет ни одного указателя где офис. В добавок к этому всему ещё и расисты?!
Terrible place. In the office where the exam is taken, the staff is normal. The unloading was at the 384 dock was unloading. Rude hamily ?. They laughed. There is no sign of where the office is. On top of that, there are also racists?!
I K on Google

Na firmę żeby wjechać trzeba zdać test BHP. Potem masz dwa lata spokoju. Toaleta, prysznic, parking respektowania przepisów firmy i będzie wszystko ok
To enter the company, you need to pass a health and safety test. Then you have two years of peace. Toilet, shower, parking respect the company's regulations and everything will be ok
Krzysztof Kumor on Google

unikać jak ognia!!! trzymają auto i tylko przestawiaja godziny rozladunku, zero konkretnych informacji, deszcz czy snieg każą czekać na zewnątrz. jeśli zobaczysz rozladunek w tej firmie od razu anuluj ladunek!
avoid like fire !!! they keep the car and only change the time of unloading, no specific information, rain or snow make you wait outside. if you see an unloading in this company immediately cancel the load!
Robert Kamiński on Google

Firma porażka ? Trzymajcie się o tej firmy z daleka żeby wjechać na firmę trzeba zdać test BHP nie zdasz go to cię nie wpuści i stoisz do Następnego dnia żeby zdać test ponownie ??
Company failure ? Stay away from this company to enter the company, you need to pass the health and safety test, you will not pass it, it will not let you in and you stand until the next day to pass the test again ??
Slobodan Vasic on Google

I have no idea why people rated this low. Stuff is a little bit on edge but no wonder, with all the traffic and no one speaks English, duch, or German. I was joking with them it was all fun no tension. The safety test is not that hard if you read the instruction carefully. Don't take it easy if you fail 3 time you are done for the day, better luck tomorrow. The toilets ? wear clean and you have a safe parking to sleep, what do you need more. In majority of company's you will sleep on the street, with no toilet.
J.Luys Pereira on Google

place to never return ... they are rude and treat the driver with contempt ... any problem they tell you that for the next day ... we were about to take the merchandise to its origin since they did not want it ... . the lord of the wheelbarrow is a bitter unpresentable .... he must be a frustrated truck driver ... if you don't want to waste money and time don't go to this place

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