True Nature Coaching - Baljuwstraat 22

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About True Nature Coaching

When clients describe me as a coach, they often refer to the speed with which I uncover deep-rooted issues, using nature as a mirror. They experience me as open and friendly, pragmatic and intuitive. And also willing to challenge and confront when stagnation threatens to occur.

The spiral which you see in my logo defines my approach. Movement is both inward (feelings, convictions, pain etc. ) and outward (what is therefore the next step to take?) in a continually evolving process.

Contact True Nature Coaching

Address :

Baljuwstraat 22, 2225 GG Katwijk aan Zee, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 2225
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Categories :
City : Katwijk aan Zee

Baljuwstraat 22, 2225 GG Katwijk aan Zee, Netherlands
Neeltje van der Wouden on Google

“Een gevoelig mens op een heuvel”…. zo zie ik mijzelf nog naast jou zitten Helen, in het prachtig duinlandschap. Ik kwam bij je met vragen over mijn kwetsbaarheid, gevoeligheid, mijn onzekerheden en op zoek naar mijn kracht en richting in het leven. Meer uit mijn hoofd en in mijn lijf, naar mijn intuitie. Al wandelend koos ik meermaals “mijn boom” uit, bomen die het proces representeerde dat ik met jou in een paar maanden tijd doorliep. Zo mooi hoe de natuur je tot rust laat komen, geruststelt, troost en inzicht kan geven. En jij als tolk, als gids, als troost en als degene die de spiegel vasthield waarin ik keek. Het was voor mij een zeer waardevolle periode, een periode die voor jou ook bewogen was, maar waarin je er desondanks met heel je aandacht voor mij kon zijn. Je doet je werk op een bezielde wijze en, zeker zo waardevol, met de nodige nuchterheid en humor. “Een gevoelig mens op een heuvel” dus, niet meer in een dal en de gevoeligheid eindelijk omarmd….
“A sensitive person on a hill”…. so I can still see myself sitting next to you Helen, in the beautiful dune landscape. I came to you with questions about my vulnerability, sensitivity, my insecurities and looking for my strength and direction in life. More from my head and in my body, according to my intuition. While walking, I chose “my tree” several times, trees that represented the process that I went through with you in a few months. It is so beautiful how nature allows you to relax, reassure you, give you comfort and insight. And you as an interpreter, as a guide, as a consolation and as the one holding the mirror in which I was looking. It was a very valuable period for me, a period that was also eventful for you, but in which you could nevertheless be there with all your attention for me. You do your work in an inspired way and, just as valuable, with the necessary sobriety and humor. So “a sensitive person on a hill”, no longer in a valley and finally embraced sensitivity….
Paula Schreuder on Google

Prettige ervaring gehad met Helen! Helen is verrassend scherp in haar observaties; door wat zij spiegelt, weet zij inzicht te bieden op een hele concrete manier. Warme persoonlijkheid!
Had a pleasant experience with Helen! Helen is surprisingly sharp in her observations; through what she mirrors, she knows how to offer insight in a very concrete way. Warm personality!
Marg Paulussen on Google

Op zoek naar een coach na een vervelend einde aan een leuke baan, kwam ik op de website van Helen terecht. In de wildgroei aan wandelcoaches vond ik het een geruststellend idee om bij een coach terecht te komen die ook psycholoog is. Al tijdens onze eerste wandeling voelde ik me op mijn gemak bij Helen. Ze coacht heel prettig: ze voelt haarfijn aan waar je mee zit en al wandelend in de natuur stelt ze op een rustige manier steeds precies de juiste vragen. In de loop van de coaching sessies voelde ik me zelfverzekerder en koos ik steeds makkelijker welk pad ik in wilde, in het bos en in mijn leven. In plaats van verdrietig over het verlies van mijn baan, ben ik nu zelfs blij dat ik ontslag heb genomen. Wandelcoaching met Helen heeft mijn leven verrijkt! Searching for a coach after a difficult end to a great job, I ended up on Helen’s website. In the proliferation of coaches I found it comforting to know she is a psychologist as well. From our very first walk I felt at ease with Helen. Walking in nature, she coaches in a very pleasant manner, quickly sensing what you are dealing with and calmly asking exactly the right questions. As the coaching sessions progressed, my confidence grew and I found it easier to choose my own path, both in the woods and in my life. Now, instead of being sad about the loss of my job, I am glad that I quit it. Outdoor life coaching with Helen really enriched my life!
Looking for a coach after an unpleasant end to a great job, I ended up on Helen's website. In the proliferation of walking coaches, I found it a reassuring idea to end up with a coach who is also a psychologist. Already during our first walk I felt at ease with Helen. She coaches very pleasantly: she feels exactly what you are dealing with and while walking in nature she always asks exactly the right questions in a calm way. In the course of the coaching sessions I felt more confident and it was easier to choose which path I wanted to take, in the forest and in my life. In fact, instead of feeling sad about losing my job, I'm glad I quit my job. Walking coaching with Helen has enriched my life! Searching for a coach after a difficult end to a great job, I ended up on Helen's website. In the proliferation of coaches I found it comforting to know she is a psychologist as well. From our very first walk I felt at ease with Helen. Walking in nature, she coaches in a very pleasant manner, quickly sensing what you are dealing with and calmly asking exactly the right questions. As the coaching sessions progressed, my confidence grew and I found it easier to choose my own path, both in the woods and in my life. Now, instead of being sad about the loss of my job, I am glad that I quit it. Outdoor life coaching with Helen really enriched my life!
Amanda on Google

Helen's approach is professional and empathetic. Keeping the goal or the end result in mind, with the technique she uses your goals are easily achievable.
Leine Goudzwaard on Google

I’m not ashamed to say that I had a burnout. Helen really helped me through it and taught me a lot about myself. The fact that the sessions were outdoors made them intimate and yet open. It is so much more pleasant to talk when walking, especially through beautiful woods! Helen already unveiled my biggest problems in the first session but took the time to fit them into the greater picture. Even if you think you’re mentally healthy, I can still recommend that you do a few sessions with Helen. It is so enlightening!
Ink on Google

I have been supported by Helen throughout most of 2020 and she has been the best coach one could wish for. An empathetic, level headed and calm person who is not shy to tell you, in a very kind and professional manner, that your brain is going bonkers and leads it back to rationality. A session Helen is always fun, there is understanding and kindness, but also humour and the magic of nature just adds to your wellbeing. Helen gets your true nature out of you, so that you can follow the path that is meant for you. The best coach I have every worked with and I wholeheartedly recommend this wonderful person.

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