Unique Label: Loopbaancoaching | Outplacement | Re-integratie - Het Pontveer

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Unique Label: Loopbaancoaching | Outplacement | Re-integratie

Address :

Het Pontveer, 1111 RL Diemen, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +798
Postal code : 1111
Website : https://unique-label.com/
Categories :
City : Diemen

Het Pontveer, 1111 RL Diemen, Netherlands
Literature World on Google

Het loopbaangesprek met Delano heeft mij heel erg geholpen. Aanvankelijk stond ik super sceptisch tegenover sollicitatie training, maar ik gaf Unique Label het voordeel van de twijfel. Ik had eerst de online training doorlopen die vol zit met handige tips voor je CV, motivatiebrief en sollicitatiegesprekken. Deze training heeft ook mijn hele houding waarmee ik een sollicitatiegesprek inga doen veranderen. Daarna had ik een loopbaangesprek met Delano via Zoom en hij heeft mij geholpen om precies datgene in mij naar boven te halen wat mij op positieve manier uniek maakt. De dag erna had ik een sollicitatiegesprek en ik ben daar 2 weken later aangenomen, waar ik super blij mee ben. Heel erg bedankt Delano!
The career interview with Delano helped me a lot. Initially I was super skeptical about job application training, but I gave Unique Label the benefit of the doubt. I first went through the online training, which is full of useful tips for your resume, motivation letter and job interviews. This training has also changed my whole attitude with which I go into a job interview. Then I had a career conversation with Delano via Zoom and he helped me to bring out exactly what makes me unique in a positive way. The day after I had a job interview and I was hired 2 weeks later, which I am very happy with. Thank you very much Delano!
Ahmad Alhashimi on Google

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime But Mariëlle taught me too how to make a fishing rod I recommend Mariëlle , she is the coach who awakens the giant that inside you
Robert Arrap on Google

Great experience!! Besides Delano's greats dedication to help me, he shared to me wondeful tips and strategies of how to enhance my brand and how to accomplish my goals successfully.
Danielle Bennett on Google

Mariëlle is a very emotionally intelligent human who whole hardly recognizes the value of staying true to oneself. Mariëlle was encouraging and patient to coach me in Dutch. Unique Label’s program was well-structured and gave me many actionable points to turn my goals into reality.
Hatalia Oliveira Boersma on Google

Unique is amazing! From the very first session I felt encouraged and empowered! with each session I had gained a greater understanding of myself and self awareness of gifts and talents that I never realised were there. I really enjoyed the experience and I would definitely recommend it to anyone that is seeking to grow and be better at what they do!
Kalina Vasileva on Google

Marielle has a great insight and is highly skilled in what she does. She is able to help a person understand themselves and guide them in the process of figuring out what would be the best job for them in a very skillful way. She uses the right tools, and she is able to perceive and understand a person well and guide them through practical next steps for a successful future. She is very skilled to guide you into making a strategy and choosing the right career path.
Mike Plaatjies on Google

Delano is an insightful business coach, skilled at enabling his clients to identify traits within themselves that they can leverage to unlock their growth potential. Using a combination of practical business insights and growth mindset techniques; he was able to help me recognize my unique selling proposition and how I could frame this to allow my clients to recognize how my services can be of value to them. Thanks Delano; I appreciate you!
Shuhainy X. Serberie on Google

A great listener with genuine interest in people and the ability to inspire are key things you would want when looking for a career coach. All these qualities, and more, are exactly what I've found in Delano during our career coach trajectory. During the trajectory, he provided me with tools that fits my specific situation and suit my needs. He gave me useful tips on how to write the perfect job application letter and resume, and tips on how to ace job interviews that I was able to put into practice right away. He also provided useful tips on creating a LinkedIn profile that would capture the essence of your personal branding. By providing great examples from the real world, Delano made the lessons unforgettable and, better yet, valuable for a lifetime. Not only does Delano focus on your career development, but overall personal development as well. I feel motivated and inspired!

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