Volendam, Volendam Centrum - Volendam Centrum

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Contact Volendam, Volendam Centrum

Address :

1131 DD Volendam, Netherlands

Postal code : 1131
Categories :
City : Volendam

1131 DD Volendam, Netherlands
Forough on Google

marco caciolli on Google

Volendam è la località più nota della costa dell’IJsselmeer, ha un aspetto incantevole arrivando in battello dal mare. Il villaggio è costruito lungo la diga intorno a un porticciolo ben conservato e dietro la stessa vi sono case di pescatori costruite su pali, stradine strette in un dedalo di viuzze, l’antico labirinto. Negozi di antiquariato locale sono disseminati lungo le stradine e in essi si possono comprare i tipici zoccoli di legno. Le originali casettine, che assieme ai ponti levatoi e ai canali formano gli angoli più pittoreschi di tutta l’Olanda, presentano al turista un’aria di romanticismo e un'atmosfera surreale. Da qui merita una visita la piccola isola di marken, antico villaggio di pescatori conservato perfettamente. Per garantirne l’integrità è concesso di abitare a Marken solo ai discendenti diretti degli antichi abitanti che, ovviamente, sono impegnati a conservare e salvaguardare quanto ereditato. Molto particolare la sua ubicazione, ovvero si trova su di un’isoletta collegata alla terraferma unicamente da una stradina a due corsie.
Volendam is the most well-known resort on the IJsselmeer coast, it has an enchanting appearance arriving by boat from the sea. The village is built along the dam around a well-preserved marina and behind it are fishermen's houses built on poles, narrow streets in a maze of narrow streets, the ancient maze. Local antique shops are scattered along the narrow streets and typical wooden clogs can be bought in them. The original houses, which together with drawbridges and canals form the most picturesque corners of the whole of Holland, present tourists with an air of romance and a surreal atmosphere. From here the small island of marken is worth a visit, an ancient fishing village perfectly preserved. To guarantee its integrity, Marken is allowed to live only to the direct descendants of the ancient inhabitants who, obviously, are committed to preserving and safeguarding what is inherited. Its location is very particular, i.e. it is located on an island connected to the mainland only by a two-lane road.
Edwin De Boer on Google

Een dagje en nacht in Volendam met de boot In Marina Haven. Nog niet eerder geweest. Prachtige haven met zeer goede faciliteiten en vriendelijke mensen. Dan op naar het Centrum.. In één woord geweldig. Wat een gezelligheid en ooh zo vriendelijke mensen hier zeg. Een aanrader.
A day and night in Volendam by boat In Marina Haven. Never been before. Beautiful harbor with very good facilities and friendly people. Then on to the Center.. In one word great. What a fun and oh so friendly people here. Recommended.
Muryel Gilissen on Google

Genoten van het gezellige vissersdorp.
Enjoyed the cozy fishing village.
Lydia Chou on Google

非常美麗的小漁村,點杯咖啡坐在海邊是很享受的事情! 要嚐嚐這裡才有的醃鯡魚,口感很特別,有點像生魚片但又沒那麼軟嫩 走在這裡真的是一種享受,荷蘭真的很美❤️ #letsguide
Very beautiful small fishing village, it is really enjoyable to order a cup of coffee and sit on the beach! You have to try the pickled herring, which is only available here. The taste is very special, a bit like sashimi but not so tender. Walking here is really a kind of enjoyment, Holland is really beautiful ❤️ #letsguide

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