Wellner Fruit B.V. - Voetakkerweg 2b

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wellner Fruit B.V.

Address :

Voetakkerweg 2b, 4194 PP Meteren, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 4194
Website : http://www.wellnerfruit.nl/
Categories :
City : Meteren

Voetakkerweg 2b, 4194 PP Meteren, Netherlands
Joran van den Hardenberg on Google

Grote sorteerbedrijf waar het over het algemeen goed geregeld is
Large sorting company where it is generally well organized
Milisa Ciric on Google

Ok je
oksana pogurska on Google

Heel goed!
Very well!
tomek kkk on Google

Obóz pracy zatrudnia Polaków na czarno i nie wypłaca pieniędzy
The labor camp employs Poles in black and does not pay any money
Jh De Greef on Google

Mooi uitzicht vanaf de bank langs het water
Nice view from the bench along the water
Daga B. on Google

Firma tragedia. Pierwszy raz w życiu spotkałam taki "twór" ... Obóz pracy, fatalne warunki mieszkaniowe, zero szacunku dla pracowników, mobing i dyskryminacja rasowa. Niby tygodniówki ale wypłacane co 5, 6 tygodni. Praca w godzinach 7-21 bez wypłaty nadgodzin, wakacyjnego . Stawka za godzinę pracy 8 euro netto ...ludzie którzy mają cokolwiek do powiedzenia są wyrzucani z pracy... Zasada - rób i nic nie gadaj, niczego nie wymagaj... Ludzie po zbiorach czekają po parę miesięcy na pieniądze... Dużo by jeszcze pisać. Reasumując - dramat !!!nikomu nie życzę...nawet największemu wrogowi ?
The company is a tragedy. For the first time in my life I have met such a "creature" ... A labor camp, terrible housing conditions, no respect for employees, mobing and racial discrimination. Kind of weekly wages but paid every 5 or 6 weeks. Work from 7-21 hours without overtime and holiday pay. The rate per hour of work is 8 euros net ... people who have anything to say are fired ... The rule - do and don't talk, don't demand anything ... After harvesting, people wait a few months for money ... A lot to write yet. To sum up - a drama !!! I do not wish anyone ... not even my greatest enemy ?
Adrian Wesierski on Google

Fatality Terror

I live in north east England. I bought a plastic box of conference pears last Saturday from a trader in South Shields.after going over on our local ferry. From my town North Shields. Labelled as above. From Netherlands My breakfast diet is always shreddies topped with a sliced pear. Every morning for years now. Even when we visit my daughter in New Zealand. I was interested in the area where these came from. As they are perfect keeping a week before sampling. And still crisp and flavoursome. I store them in my open storage box which hangs above and at the back of the kitchen worktop. In summer filled with tomatoes and banana’s hanging next to it. The bananas had been hanging next to box all week too. An Ikea fitted hanging box. Excellent. Thank you. PS.Would have loved to have seen a photo on your site, of the orchard with the fruit trees.

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