WFS - Anchoragelaan 50

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact WFS

Address :

Anchoragelaan 50, 1118 LE Schiphol, Netherlands

Postal code : 1118
Website :
Categories :
City : Schiphol

Anchoragelaan 50, 1118 LE Schiphol, Netherlands
Shivan on Google

Goed verzorgd bedrijf, laad punt gaat snel voor het algemeen maar, als het druk is kan er een vertraging zijn, dat is helemaal begrijpelijk bij een groot import bedrijf.
Well cared for company, charging point is fast for general but, if it is busy there can be a delay, which is completely understandable with a large import company.
Michel Bos on Google

Aardig personeel, maar veel te druk. Voor de capaciteit is het hier veels te klein.Weinig parkeerplaats
Nice staff, but way too busy. It is much too small here for the capacity. Little parking space
Александр Кондруцкий on Google

Самое ужасное место где я выгружался! Вчера шесть часов прождал пока поставили под рампу! Местные водители хамовитые и не пускают подъехать под выгрузку! Потом ещё стоял более двух часов и ждал пока меня начнут выгружать! Коллегам не рекомендую сюда попасть на выгрузку или загрузку! Из удобств,маленькая вонючая био кабинка! Стою уже тут третьи сутки и никак не могут решить мой вопрос с документами и не могу от сюда выехать!
The worst place where I unloaded! Yesterday I waited six hours until they put it under the ramp! Local drivers are rude and do not allow to drive under unloading! Then I stood for more than two hours and waited until they began to unload me! I do not recommend my colleagues to get here for unloading or loading! Of the amenities, a little smelly bio stall! I have been standing here for the third day and cannot solve my problem with documents and cannot leave here!
Руслан Волкун on Google

Важкі роди з розгрузкою ,5 годин очікування рампи .Потім не могли документів знайти .Єдиний плюс можна стояти паузу 9-11,хоча шумно цілодобово.Туалет присутній пластиковий.
Heavy childbirth with unloading, 5 hours of waiting for the ramp. Then they could not find the documents. The only plus is a pause of 9-11, although noisy around the clock. The toilet is plastic.
Нора Дамянова on Google

Тук е нужен строго регламентиран ред! Тук загубих 8 часа от работния си ден, защото местните шофьори показват най- лошата си страна. Тук важи принципа кой кого ще изпревари за да застане на рампа без да се съобразяват с реда на пристигане и подаване на документите в офиса. Затова моето предложение към фирмата е Тя да създаде този ред без да се влияе от приятелски или родниски връзки. Давам 3 звезди само заради персонала на разтоварачите и офиса, защото бяха много разбрани и коректни спрямо мен, но организацията по заставането на рампа е пълна лудост и това не говори добре за имиджа на фирмата. Пожелавам да има промяна в това отношение!!!
Strictly regulated order is needed here! Here I lost 8 hours of my working day because the local drivers show their worst side. Here is the principle of who will overtake whom to stand on the ramp without complying with the order of arrival and submission of documents to the office. Therefore, my proposal to the company is for her to create this order without being influenced by friends or relatives. I give 3 stars only because of the staff of the unloaders and the office, because they were very understanding and correct towards me, but the organization of the ramp is complete madness and it does not speak well for the image of the company. I wish there is a change in this regard !!!
Laszlo Zsidai on Google

Slow service....?
Mohamed Hussaini on Google

The service is very bad and the staff is disrespectful
Želimir Veseli on Google

WFS is freight company, very good co workers and, if you are looking a job in the warehouse WFS is a perfect place.

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