Yoga by Raah - Kruisbessenstraat 13

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Contact Yoga by Raah

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Kruisbessenstraat 13, 2564 VB Den Haag, Netherlands

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City : Den Haag

Kruisbessenstraat 13, 2564 VB Den Haag, Netherlands
Наталья Лопайко on Google

Я проходила практику Сурья Крийя у преподавателя Раа от Иша-Хатха-йоги. Для меня это стало прекрасным опытом. Как будто я давно искала что-то подобное, и это оказалось именно то самое! Я стала лучше чувствовать время, мои биологические часы "проснулись", стало легче вставать по утрам. После завершения программы сразу стала практиковать Сурья Крийю утром и вечером и почувствовала себя более умиротворенной, энергии прибавилось, а количество приемов пищи сократилось до двух раз в день. И оказалось, что этого вполне достаточно! Это удивительно, но мой опыт говорит, что это так! Сейчас практикую Сурья Крийю по утрам каждый день и понимаю, что вечером желательно бы тоже, тогда эффект гораздо приятнее, тем более, что вечерние занятия приносят больше удовольствия и радости, тело становится более податливое и гибкое. Благодарю Раа за качественный подход к передаче практики от первоисточника, за создание благоприятной атмосферы! Все четко и понятно, в той последовательности, которая постепенно проникает и становится частью твоего процесса ежедневной жизни. Благодарю Ишу за предоставленную возможность изменить свою жизнь к лучшему!
I was practicing Surya Kriya with a Raa teacher from Isha Hatha Yoga. For me it was a wonderful experience. As if I have been looking for something like this for a long time, and it turned out to be exactly the same! I began to feel the time better, my biological clock “woke up”, it became easier to get up in the morning. After completing the program, I immediately began to practice Surya Kriya in the morning and evening and felt more peaceful, increased energy, and the number of meals was reduced to two times a day. And it turned out that this is quite enough! It's amazing, but my experience says it is! Now I practice Surya Kriya in the morning every day and I understand that in the evening it would be desirable too, then the effect is much more pleasant, especially since evening classes bring more pleasure and joy, the body becomes more supple and flexible. I thank Raa for a qualitative approach to the transfer of practice from the original source, for creating a favorable atmosphere! Everything is clear and understandable, in the sequence that gradually penetrates and becomes part of your daily life process. Thank you Isha for the opportunity to change my life for the better!
Katya Ovagimyan on Google

Огромная благодарность Раа за возможность обучиться действенным йога-практикам от Садхгуру в России! Очень хотелось бы, чтобы больше людей открыли для себя этот путь и смогли получить эти йога-практики у отличного Учителя - прекрасной Раа. С весны 2021 года приезжаю в Москву на программы и каждый раз с нетерпением жду новых! Практика Сурья Шакти вошла в мой ежедневный комплекс, также выполняю Бхастрика и Шанмукхи мудра. Программы всегда отлично организованы - от выбора места до дальнейшей поддержки в вотс-ап группе. Благоприятная атмосфера, профессионализм, чуткость и доброжелательность Учителя очень помогают усвоению практик!
Many thanks to Raa for the opportunity to learn effective yoga practices from Sadhguru in Russia! I would very much like more people to discover this path for themselves and be able to receive these yoga practices from an excellent Teacher - the beautiful Raa. Since the spring of 2021, I have been coming to Moscow for programs and every time I look forward to new ones! The practice of Surya Shakti has become part of my daily complex, I also perform Bhastrika and Shanmukhi mudra. Programs are always well organized - from choosing a place to further support in the whats-up group. Favorable atmosphere, professionalism, sensitivity and kindness of the Teacher greatly help the assimilation of practices!
Wenika Soebhag on Google

Very energetic and spiritual classes! My life has been transformed!!
Maja Hussein on Google

Very cosy place and wonderful yoga teacher! Good vibes!
Alain Bos on Google

Yoga thought in a way that is should be thought. Absolutely recommend Isha Hatha Yoga!
nasim roshanaei on Google

Raah is a great hatha yoga teacher. I've learned bhuta shuddhi, surya kriya, jala neti and bhastrika from her. Participating in the magnificent inner engineering programs came a bit later. Her presence and advises touched me and taught me a lot. I would learn more sadhana's from her in the future. Hatha yoga sadhana's offering by her are for any one who seeks balance and enlightenment.
Puja Agarwal on Google

The classical Hatha yoga is taught in its purest and original form here. The care and precision with which every detail of a posture is looked at is incredible. The very first impact i could feel with my breath. Learning the practices has brought incredible changes in my thought patterns and how I see things around me. My body feels so much light and free and breath is much more deeper. Am more efficient and relaxed at the same time when I work.
Sabine Vandenberg on Google

Lovely place and lovely teacher. Isha Hatha Yoga is for me the best I have experienced. Not changed or personalised but kept pure, how it was originally designed. It's a very powerful tool which changed my life in many ways. You can do the different kind of yoga on your own, which makes it possible to practice everyday, no matter where I am. Raah is teaching in a very pleasant way, she supported me a lot.

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