Българско училище Амстердам - Douwes Dekkerstraat 2

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Българско училище Амстердам

Address :

Douwes Dekkerstraat 2, 1053 SX Amsterdam, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 1053
Website : http://www.bulgarian-school-amsterdam.nl/
Categories :
City : Amsterdam

Douwes Dekkerstraat 2, 1053 SX Amsterdam, Netherlands
Anna Grablianova on Google

Това не е официално акредитирано българско училище! Това е някаква школа за езици, но в никаъв слувай не е българско училище... Има само едно училище акредитирано от Министерство на образованието в България.
This is not an officially accredited Bulgarian school! This is a language school, but it is by no means a Bulgarian school ... There is only one school accredited by the Ministry of Education in Bulgaria.
kalina vatchkova on Google

Прекрасно място, в което децата учат с всички сетива за света, за българския език и култура. Окуражавани са да творят, да бъдат любопитни и да мислят сами.Това е любимото училще и на двете ми деца. В него намерихме много нови приятели и сме много щастливи, че го има.
A wonderful place where children learn with all their senses about the world, the Bulgarian language and culture. They are encouraged to create, to be curious and to think for themselves. This is the favorite school of both my children. We found many new friends in it and we are very happy to have it.
Ralitza Ilieva on Google

Единственото училище, където децата ходят с желание! Чрез модернизирани методи и нови програми, екипът успява да предизвика интереса на децата към българския език и бит. Унесени в игри и креативни авантюри, малките неусетно се учат.
The only school where children go with desire! Through modernized methods and new programs, the team manages to arouse children's interest in the Bulgarian language and lifestyle. Brought into games and creative adventures, the little ones learn unnoticed.
Iviana Panayotova on Google

Българско училище Амстердам е едно искрено начинание за професионално, оригинално, модерно българско училище. Едно дейно и идейно училище, което иска да мотивира, да учи и разказва, да случва и одухотворява. Повлияно от образователните принципи на Монтесори, училището разработва независима от българското министерство на образованието програма, която цели учениците да са активни, самостоятелни, мотивирани. С оригинална и богата програма се учат български език и култура, без националистично пропагандиране в групи за деца от 1-годишна възраст.
The Bulgarian School Amsterdam is a sincere endeavor for a professional, original, modern Bulgarian school. An active and ideological school that wants to motivate, learn and tell, to do and to inspire. Influenced by Montessori's educational principles, the school is developing a program, independent of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, that aims to keep students active, self-motivated and motivated. With an original and rich program they study Bulgarian language and culture, without nationalist propaganda in groups for children from 1 year of age.
Galina Slavova on Google

We are very happy with this school. That's all :-)
Simeon Bulgaria on Google

The school is wonderful! It has become our extended family in Amsterdam. The teachers are great and look for ways to make it fun and interesting using modern approaches to teaching. The families and children are also great. Highly recommended!
Arjen on Google

Learning Bulgarian, especially with the Cyrillic alphabet is quite a challenge, with the help of my teacher I made a huge progress in just a couple of months. The classes are very structured and the teacher has a great way of teaching useful words, phrases and grammar. Each class is fun and educational. I can recommend the Bulgarian School Amsterdam to anyone who wants to learn the Bulgarian language (and a bit of culture too).
Paul Vessies on Google

Having a busy job and not having a natural talent for learning a new language AND alphabet, I was a bit hesitant to start this course. However, Iviana not only taught me the basics of the Bulgarian language in a very amusing and accessible way, but also grew my confidence, motivation and appetite to learn even more! I'm now halfway on my first course, but will certainly return after summer + will bring my child there once it is able to speak :-) Много благодаря, Ивиана!

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