Hotel-Stadt-Emmerich - Bahnhofstraße 26

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hotel-Stadt-Emmerich

Address :

Bahnhofstraße 26, 46446 Emmerich am Rhein, Germany

Phone : 📞 +98799
Postal code : 46446
Website :
Categories :
City : Emmerich am Rhein
Description : Lodging 2 min by foot from public transit

Bahnhofstraße 26, 46446 Emmerich am Rhein, Germany
Florian Schnellinger (Klammsy) on Google

Schlimmstes Hotel das ich in dreißig Jahren gehabt habe. Der Wirt ist unorganisiert, verbummelt Buchungen und lässt die Gäste das durch umziehen zwischen verschiedenen schlecht zusammen gebastelten Besenkammern mit Dusche und Bett umziehen. Günstige Angebote für Arbeiter wie Nudeln mit Soße oder n Teller Pommes gibt es nicht. Direkt daneben ist eine Bahnstrecke für Güterzüge, der Umlagebahnhof ca 50 Meter hinter dem Haus, vorne Bundesstraße. Ruhe findet man nicht. Das Frühstück ist unpünktlich und das Geld nicht wert. Lauwarmer dünner Kaffee, Wurst mit braunem Rand, Käse mit glasigem Rand und halbrohe Eier um ein paar Leckereien zu nennen. Danach verging die Lust das Restaurant auszuprobieren. Die Zimmer sind winzig und schäbig. Silberfische und einmal sogar eine Schnecke in der Dusche. Nie wieder.
Worst hotel I've had in thirty years. The landlord is disorganized, lingers on bookings and lets the guests move between various poorly put together broom closets with shower and bed. There are no cheap offers for workers such as pasta with sauce or a plate of fries. Right next to it is a railway line for freight trains, the transfer station about 50 meters behind the house, federal highway in front. You can't find peace. The breakfast is unpunctual and not worth the money. Lukewarm thin coffee, brown-rimmed sausage, glassy-rimmed cheese, and semi-raw eggs to name a few goodies. After that, the desire to try the restaurant passed. The rooms are tiny and shabby. Silverfish and once even a snail in the shower. Never again.
DolceRosa 666 on Google

Pokoje bardzo małe, z telewizorami bez smart tv. Śniadanie jedliśmy w brudnej sali, która nie została do końca sprzątnięta bo imprezie Sylwestrowej. Ser był wyschnięty a sok nie dolany, widać, że został im po prostu z wczoraj. Obsługa bardzo miła ale mieliśmy problem z dogadaniem się. Na booking jest napisane, że personel rozmawia w wielu językach a mieliśmy problem dogadania się po angielsku.
Rooms very small, with televisions without smart tv. We ate breakfast in a dirty room, which was not fully cleaned because of the New Year's Eve party. The cheese was dry and the juice was not refilled, you can see that they just had left over from yesterday. The service was very nice, but we had a problem with getting along. The booking says that the staff speaks many languages ​​and we had a problem communicating in English.
Foody Germany on Google

Very welcoming owners. Always pleased to come here.
aniska iskandar on Google

Nice place with Mediterranean style , good hospitality good eating
Leon Howard on Google

But of a dodgy town. Hotel was adequate, very poor WIFI. Wouldn't go again.
Ewelina Tatar on Google

Small bathroom, no airco regulation, only one person speaks English, which was a relief, great food though, but it takes ages to take an order, and the waiter does not like the fact you want to pay with card,
Melissa Kerson on Google

The beds weren't great (a little squeaky and way too springy but also not soft), but the staff are amazing! Very friendly and helpful. Good food in the restaurant, too.
Catarina R on Google

Not the best bed to sleep in - The hotel is OK but not the best service, they didn't speak any English and seemed a little judgemental of our basic German and made some weird remarks about our trip.

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