Mercedes-Benz Herbrand - Wettener Str. 18

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mercedes-Benz Herbrand

Wettener Str. 18, 47623 Kevelaer, Germany
Franz-Günter Kreisler on Google

Super schneller Service , super nette Mitarbeiter, ich bedanke mich für die schnelle und Fachmännische Hilfe bei euch . Mfg
Super fast service, super nice employees, I thank you for the quick and professional help. Kind regards
H. Lips on Google

Seit Jahren fahren wir die Marke Mercedes Benz, ob Cabriolet oder Kombilimousine. In dem Autohaus Mercedes Benz in Kevelaer sind wir schon oft zum gucken eines neuen gebrauchten Pkw gewesen. Wir wurden immer freundlich behandelt, allerdings war es bei einem Verkäufer einmal anders. Aber dieses Mal wurde uns durch den Verkäufer das Gefühl gegeben das man uns zuhört. Herr A. hat sich viel Zeit gelassen und man hat wirklich gemerkt das wir wertgeschätzt wurden. Die Verhandlungen waren aus unserer Sicht auf Augenhöhe. Was wir leider bei der Firma Herbrand auch schon mal anders erlebt haben. Vielleicht hatte der ein oder andere Verkäufer auch nur einen schlechten Tag, kann jedem Mal passieren. Wir wünschen uns, dass das so bleibt. Bis jetzt sind wir sehr zufrieden mit unserem neuen Gebrauchten.
We have been driving the Mercedes Benz brand for years, whether cabriolet or station wagon. We have often been to the Mercedes Benz car dealership in Kevelaer to look at a new used car. We were always treated kindly, but it was different with a seller. But this time the seller gave us the feeling that we were being listened to. Mr. A. took his time and you really noticed that we were valued. From our point of view, the negotiations were on an equal footing. What we have unfortunately experienced differently at the Herbrand company. Maybe one or the other seller just had a bad day, can happen to anyone. We wish it stays that way. So far we are very happy with our new used vehicle.
Rafael Zur on Google

Haben bei Mercedes Herbrand einen neuen jungen Gebrauchtwagen gekauft. Die Beratung war gut und sehr vertrauensvoll. Wir haben schnell einen Termin erhalten und konnten ohne Probleme eine Probefahrt vereinbaren. Dazu wurde unser Gebrauchtwagen zu einem fairen Preis schnell und unkompliziert übernommen. Es sind nur Kleinigkeiten, die besser gemacht werden könnten, so wie zum Beispiel Erreichbarkeit bzw. Rückruf könnten schneller erfolgen. Dennoch sind wir bisher zufrieden.
Bought a new young used car from Mercedes Herbrand. The advice was good and very trusting. We got an appointment quickly and were able to arrange a test drive without any problems. In addition, our used car was taken over quickly and easily at a fair price. There are only small things that could be done better, such as availability or callbacks could be quicker. Nevertheless, we are satisfied so far.
Michael Klingel on Google

Super Service
Dirk Hillen (Papagiorgio) on Google

Top Service!
Mirco Berkels on Google

Top ?
Romain on Google

Super place, the people from there are very friendly, helpful and serious. The service was top I would highly recommend.
Nicolò Raffone on Google

Purchase car at Kevelaer Mercedes B 200 petrol, old model, for 26.500 euros. I contact Stefan Litzkow verkauf the Mercedes of Kevelaer Herbrand for a car, I book the car with a seller and after about 36 hours I paied it by banc the transfer of 26,500 euros . I ask the seller to send me all the documents of the car, quickly by courier, because I want to register the car in Italy and then with Italian plates, go to Kevelaer to pick up the car. I received the documents after 13 days, sent by post, I open the envelope and I didin’t find the car invoice, without an invoice I cannot register my car in Italy. I write an email to the seller and he tells me that he cannot make the invoice if first I don't pick up the machine. Moments of panic, I didn't know what to do, I insist and send me an invoice via email with a post date . I tell him that the date is wrong, the seller writes to me that he cannot make the invoice if I do not pick up the car. I call my friend from Stuttgart, I tell him to help me, my friend calls him, he had to make two phone calls to convince him and solve everything, he sends me an invoice with the right date. I charge a UPS courier to collect the envelope, cost 20 euros, and in 23 hours I have the invoice in hand and present the documents in the offices of the Italian motorization. I bought many cars in Germany, for me for my friends never had these problems. after thirty days I finally leave for Kevelaer with my wife, I am 1150 km from Venice airport, I arrive in Cologne, I travel by train to Kevelaer, nobody picks me up at the airport, there is a strong wind. I arrive at the Herbrand dealership very kindly, they immediately offer me a coffee. After queuing, it's almost noon on Saturday, a salesman tells me that he has the job of handing me the car, he makes me sign the documents in the office, gives me the keys and tells me I have to do maintenance in 70 days and that I can go. I inform the seller that I had written to prepare the car and do maintenance, it has 10052 km and it is 06.2018, I am very disappointed, the gentleman answers me that he knows nothing, I have to write an email to my seller, he only has order to deliver the car. I go out of the dealership, I stop to prepare the navigator, but I can't put the destination in memory, I come back and ask for help, nobody explained to me how the machine works, considering that it has the distronic and I have always had BMW, never mercedes . They help me and I leave, 1200 km to go back home, I am very disappointed ..... When I get home, I write an email to my seller, I show my disappointment, and I tell him he could also tell me he wouldn't. He replies to me, that the maintenance had not yet expired and in any case in the next car I buy he will recognize me a discount of 250.00 euros. Dear seller, keep your 250.00 euros, I won't buy any cars in your Herbrand dealership. At the last email, the seller also insulted my wife. Herbrand, surely he knows nothing, and he has no fault ...... However, I am a high school teacher and if the salesman had been my student I would have had him repeat the year. Nicolò Raffone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antwort von 26 aprile 2019 Hallo Herbrand-Team, Ich habe nicht geschrieben, um Ihre Gründe zu haben, ich habe geschrieben, um Ihre Solidarität zu haben. Es gibt keine Ausreden, die Post wurde an DHL verschickt und von ihnen mit deutscher Einschreiben versandt. Ich beauftragte einen UPS-Kurier, der die Rechnung abholte und in 22 Stunden bei mir zu Hause ankam. Und dann beleidigt einer Ihrer Autoverkäufer meine Frau zu viel. Ich habe Ihre Entschuldigung erwartet. Ich finde diesen Satz, den der Verkäufer schrieb, beleidigend. "Ihre Frau hat einige Dinge mit ihren Händen und Füßen auf Englisch erklärt." Es wurde in guten Englisch geschrieben mfg Nicolò

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