MVGM Rijswijk - De Bruyn Kopsstraat 9k

2.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Wat betekent uw vastgoed voor u? Een plek om dromen waar te maken, een solide investering of juist een spaarpotje voor later? Of die droom of visie werkelijkheid wordt is afhankelijk van de marktontwikkelingen en de beslissingen die u neemt. Wat uw vastgoed ook voor u betekent, MVGM helpt u met:

Contact MVGM Rijswijk

Address :

De Bruyn Kopsstraat 9k, 2288 EC Rijswijk, Netherlands

Postal code : 2288
Website :
Categories :
City : Rijswijk

De Bruyn Kopsstraat 9k, 2288 EC Rijswijk, Netherlands
Y Olde St on Google

Momenteel huurder. een tijdje geleden had ik 1-ster gegeven, vanwege onbeleefde medewerkers en moeizaam contact in het algemeen. inmiddels woon ik hier ruim 1.5 jaar en de laatste paar keren, prettig contact mogen ervaren met de building manager, klant contact centrum. het gaat nog niet altijd heel vlot en soepel maar een zeer groot verschil met het begin. MVGM, vooral blijven verbeteren en signalen/klachten over jullie dienstverlening blijven oppakken.
Currently tenant. a while ago I would have given 1 star, because of rude employees and difficult contact in general. I have now lived here for over 1.5 years and the last few times I have experienced pleasant contact with the building manager, customer contact center. it doesn't always go very smoothly and smoothly but a very big difference from the beginning. MVGM, especially continue to improve and continue to pick up signals/complaints about your services.
Nick de Jager on Google

Na 20 minuten in de wacht te hebben gezeten, krijg je het callcenter medewerkster aan de lijn die je absoluut niet wil helpen. Het welbekende 'stuur maar een mailtje, dan ben je volgende week de eerste'.....
After being on hold for 20 minutes, you get the call center employee on the line who absolutely does not want to help you. The well-known 'send an email, then you'll be the first next week'.....
Abbas Tavakolinik on Google

Avoid them, I lost 36 euros to these guys They are scammers, thieves! They always send an automated reply for anything you apply no matter what it is! I received this answer for more than 50 houses: Beste Kandidaat, Helaas bent u voor het onderstaande adres niet ingeloot. Er kunnen verschillende redenen zijn waarom u niet ingeloot bent: U voldoet aan onze inkomenseis, maar bent niet ingeloot uit de beschikbare kandidaten. U voldoet niet aan de inkomenseis - let goed op dat u op woningen reageert die passen bij uw inkomen. De inkomensnorm welke gehanteerd wordt staat aan aangegeven op de website. Let op: dit is een geautomatiseerde e-mail. Wij kunnen niet per individueel geval aangeven wat de precieze reden is. Mocht u wel aan de eisen voldoen maar niet ingeloot zijn, dan bestaat de mogelijkheid dat u alsnog bericht krijgt als de ingelote kandidaat niet verder gaat in het verhuur traject.
Avoid them, I lost 36 euros to these guys They are scammers, thieves! They always send an automated reply for anything you apply no matter what it is! I received this answer for more than 50 houses: Dear Candidate, Unfortunately you have not been selected for the address below. There could be several reasons why you were not enrolled: You meet our income requirement, but you have not been selected from the available candidates. You do not meet the income requirement - make sure that you respond to homes that match your income. The income standard that is used is indicated on the website. Please note: this is an automated email. We cannot indicate the exact reason for each individual case. If you do meet the requirements but have not been drawn by lot, there is the possibility that you will still be notified if the drawn candidate does not continue in the rental process.
David Ferreira (daminufe) on Google

So MVGM manages a building called "De Kameleon". This building has an incompetent cleaning company that can't do their job. Now MVGM Wonen asked us to pay for a second clean because they cannot do their job. Seriously MVGM Wonen? I don't know who is worse.. If you or the cleaning dirty company...
Alfonso Madruga on Google

These people are horrible. Good they were dropped in our neighbour community for a hopefully less harmful gang of vultures.
Nick Rakas on Google

Stay away from apartments managed by MVGM. I live in a new apartment that was built last year. The whole building has not been cleaned even once in the last 5 months that I live here. We pay cleaning costs every month. The elevator is out of order every 2nd week because of bad build quality. MVGM never responds to emails and whenever they do they just forward emails to the appropriate people and of course you never get back a response. Stay away and spend your money on another housing agency!
Phillip Leroy on Google

Since MVGM started to manage the building, the building got completely abandoned. Terrible company!
Sho Sho on Google

Do not rent from mvgm ever. Becuase of them I got PTSD and heart attack - I wasnt able to sleep for half year in their apartment from noise, and they did nothing despite many phone calls and emails. I'm highly sucidal and can't live like this any longer.

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