Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. - Oliemolenstraat 5

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V.

Address :

Oliemolenstraat 5, 9203 ZN Drachten, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 9203
Website :
Categories :
City : Drachten

Oliemolenstraat 5, 9203 ZN Drachten, Netherlands
jeroens87 on Google

Half jaar gewerkt (LOC). erg naar me zin gehad daar.
Worked for half a year (LOC). really enjoyed myself there.
Dr. Henry Miller on Google

Gezien met open dag, prachtig bedrijf en heel schoon, mooie innovatieve producten, een aanwinst voor friesland
Seen with an open day, wonderful company and very clean, beautiful innovative products, an asset to Friesland
Sijtze Van Der Weij on Google

Mooie fabriek voor shavers top bedrijf om te werken
Nice factory for top shavers company to work
LoveTheWorld TravelTheWorld on Google

Heel mooi en groot innovatief bedrijf. Miljoenen productie en dat allemaal op het gebied van scheren. Werk er al jaren met heel veel plezier. Philips is voor Drachten ook een erg belangrijke werkgever.
Very nice and large innovative company. Millions of production and all that in the field of shaving. Have been working there for years with great pleasure. Philips is also a very important employer for Drachten.
Heidi brinks-van woerkom on Google

Ik had een Ladyshave gekocht bij Blokker en die was afgeprijsd naar € 34,50. Van Philips zou je nog eens € 15,-- terug krijgen. Je moest dan een kopie van de aankoopbon plus de streepjescode opsturen. Hoe je dat moest doen zou je moeten lezen op de site van Philips op de z.g. "de voor jou weken: Beauty. Helaas er was niets te vinden. Na heel veel omwegen kreeg ik een mijnheer op de Chat. Die stuurde mij een link toe en daar klopte niets van. Uiteindelijk kon ik op Internet een formulier invullen, maar daar moest je een foto maken van de aankoopbon. Aangezien ik geen fotocamera heb, maar een videocamera, ging dat feest niet door. Na heel veel uitpluizen kreeg ik een juffrouw van Philips aan de telefoon en die vroeg ik om een adres waar ik alles naar toe kon sturen. Die wilde zij mij niet geven en hield mij onnodig aan de praat. Na veel aandringen door te hebben gezegd, dat dit telefoontje wel erg duur werd, heeft zij samen met mij een formulier ingevuld, waardoor het dan allemaal goed zou komen. Nou vergeet het maar, want het moest gestuurd worden vlgs. haar naar Postbus 81, 3900 Overbelt. Ik moest uiteindelijk voor het versturen € 2,56 betalen en wat schetst mijn verbazing; Ik kreeg alles weer terug met een strookje van de Post erop, dat zij van dit adres waren vertrokken. Nou Philips, je kan mooie reclame maken, maar je belofte nakomen en een vals adres opgeven is heel erg min! Ik waarschuw hierbij dan ook mensen die een Philips apparaat willen kopen, omdat niet te doen, want je wordt belazerd bij het leven. Nooit, nooit meer iets van Philips!!!
I had bought a Ladyshave from Blokker and it was reduced to € 34.50. You would get another € 15 back from Philips. You then had to send a copy of the purchase receipt plus the barcode. You should read how to do that on the Philips site on the so-called "the weeks for you: Beauty. Unfortunately there was nothing to be found. After many detours I got a gentleman on the Chat. He sent me a link. and that didn't make sense. Eventually I was able to fill in a form on the Internet, but there you had to take a photo of the purchase receipt. Since I don't have a photo camera, but a video camera, the party was canceled. After a lot of research I got a miss from Philips on the phone and I asked for an address where I could send everything to. She did not want to give it to me and kept me talking unnecessarily. After a lot of insistence by saying that this phone call was getting very expensive, she filled in a form together with me, so that it would all work out well. Well forget it, because it had to be sent to her to PO Box 81, 3900 Overbelt. In the end I had to pay € 2.56 for sending and some outlines my surprise; I got everything back with a slip of the Post on it that they had left this address. Well Philips, you can make great advertising, but keeping your promise and giving a false address is very bad! I hereby warn people who want to buy a Philips device, because not to do, because you will be cheated in life. Never, never again anything from Philips !!!
Berend Klompsma on Google

Graag wil ik Philips op een positieve manier in het spotlicht zetten. In augustus 2020 kochten wij een volautomatische espressomachine LatteGo van Philips. Best wel een dure aanschaf en eerst even wennen in het begin, maar de koffie smaakte uitstekend met de bonen van onze keuze. Zeer teleurgesteld waren wij dan ook, toen drie weken geleden, het apparaat opeens storing gaf, drie rode knipperende LED's en geen actie. De handleiding geraadpleegd, de geadviseerde handelingen verricht, maar niks hielp. Uiteindelijk de serviceafdeling gebeld. Het advies van de dame die mij te woord stond, resulteerde in één kopje koffie en toen was het helemaal einde oefening, de machine was zo dood als een pier. Wederom contact opgenomen met Philips en uitgebreid uitgelegd wat er aan de hand was. Ik had de machine opengemaakt en ontdekt dat er een cruciaal onderdeel kapot was. Tot mijn toch wel grote verbazing werd er zeer serieus ingegaan op mijn klacht, ondanks het feit dat ik in de garantieperiode de machine had geopend. Men vroeg mij foto's te sturen van het euvel, hetgeen ik deed. Eén dag na dit contact werd er per bode een gloednieuw apparaat opgestuurd met het verzoek het oude op te sturen (verzendlabel was bijgevoegd). Prima service en klantvriendelijkheid bestaat dus nog wel!
I would like to put Philips in the spotlight in a positive way. In August 2020 we bought a fully automatic espresso machine LatteGo from Philips. Quite an expensive purchase and it took some getting used to in the beginning, but the coffee tasted excellent with the beans of our choice. We were therefore very disappointed when three weeks ago, the device suddenly malfunctioned, three red flashing LEDs and no action. Consulted the manual, performed the recommended actions, but nothing helped. Finally called the service department. The advice of the lady who spoke to me resulted in one cup of coffee and then it was all over, the machine was as dead as a doornail. Contacted Philips again and explained in detail what was going on. I had opened the machine and discovered that a crucial part was broken. To my great surprise, my complaint was treated very seriously, despite the fact that I had opened the machine during the warranty period. They asked me to send pictures of the problem, which I did. One day after this contact, a brand new device was sent by courier with the request to send the old one (shipping label was included). Excellent service and customer-friendliness still exist!
hermanj dijkstra on Google

Hoe krijg je aangebaken vet uit airfryer, niet ding slopen kun je hem ook gelijk weg gooien . Hoeveel krijgen op den duur kanker? Van het aangebaken vet.
How do you get baked-on fat out of the airfryer, don't demolish the thing, you can also throw it away right away. How many will eventually get cancer? From the baked on fat.
Andrew Icedale on Google

This is a review about working environment within Philips Drachten, not about the products, which are (still) very good, at least for now. The organisation is very immature with people preferring to gossip behind your back and try to push you out of projects and meetings rather than talk to you directly about your (perceived) differences. The company is clearly run by either incompetent and apathetic management or alternatively management who is actively trying to run the company out of business. The working environment is best described as an airport terminal rather than an office. You get a random desk somewhere in the middle of a big room with people walking around and sometimes shouting or having coffee meeting and laughing behind you and watching videos out loud. Okay if all you have to do is check some emails and update your calendar but not for any kind of real intellectual work. They have good coffee though so perhaps an idea is to just drink the coffee and browse the net, which seems to be what a lot of people do there. This is fine for lazy people who like to get paid to drink coffee and sit somewhere but not really a challenging and stimulating environment. The challenge is perhaps in having to deal with the childish people working there. The company prides itself internally with diversity and innovation yet it is incapable of handling either. Working style and procedures are rigid and old fashioned and people tend to have a herd mentality. If you are different with educational background than the majority or have different working and thinking style it is perceived as negative and that you must adapt to the inside the box way of working and thinking which is quite opposite to environment for innovation. Intellectual and personality diversity is not tolerated. This is interesting because the company is trying to appear that they do by spending money and time on expensive training programs to determine every person’s working and thinking style yet they do not use these results at all. This is an excellent example of fluffy ideas that fall short of execution. Projects are constantly delayed due to extremely unrealistic ideas of time and deadlines that do not take into account any realism and what ifs or indeed past experience. However every time a project is delayed it is a surprise for everyone and the response is to make again the exact same unrealistic plans. There does not appear to be much thinking or learning involved. They are however very quick to try to find someone in the team (who does not have herd mentality) to blame for this and in absence of such they blame each other. It is often a theatre, when one can sit back and enjoy it with some distance (perhaps with the good coffee that is provided). When the company has financial problems the result is not to accept lower profits or cut the salaries of executives but to cut innovation projects and fire some people. This insures that the innovation department is in a constant flux of new hire and fire and struggles to retain and build knowledge. It also ensures that in a few years there will not be many new developments or different products, which means the problem with the competition, will be even bigger. It also means that despite financial problems on the balance sheet the company appears to be making profit, so the stock price goes up instead of down, which in effect means lying to investors and stealing they’re money. On top of that to support this scheme large portion of the hires are on temp contracts via agencies and they get rid of them easily. Basically, it is a very socially irresponsible company. The mid and low lever managers have limited concept of leadership and management and all they do is say some fluffy corporate jargon about excited work together at weekly meetings. They often talk big about how they disagree with the way the company is being run but do not try to do anything about it as they are clearly scared of senior management. When faced with non-standard situations or employees they have no idea how to respond.

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