Rijksmuseum - Rijksmuseum

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rijksmuseum

Address :

1017 SC Amsterdam, Netherlands

Postal code : 1017
Categories :
City : Amsterdam

1017 SC Amsterdam, Netherlands
Paul Wichhart on Google

Marian de Klerk on Google

valerie corbara on Google

Jasper Van Willigen on Google

Kan niet zonder
Can not live without
Prof JH On-line (Prof JH) on Google

Decoração de Natal nos canais de Amsterdam. Sensacional!
Christmas decoration on the canals in Amsterdam. Sensational!
0 0 on Google

Tramhalte bij het Rijksmuseum. Prettige halte.
Tram stop at the Rijksmuseum. Nice stop.
Marco Rubertelli on Google

Sono stato a questa fermata con la mia ragazza durante la nostra vacanza ad Amsterdam. Da questo punto, nella zona bassa della città, si possono raggiungere i musei e la parte a sud di Amsterdam. I tram sono puntuali e tutti gli orari sono affissi vicino alle pensiline utili per ripararsi dal vento e dalla pioggia. I biglietti possono essere acquistati a terra nelle rivendite autorizzate oppure anche a bordo nell'apposita sezione direttamente dall'addetto. Ricordatevi di timbrare sia all'ingresso sia all'uscita dal convoglio.
I was at this stop with my girlfriend during our vacation in Amsterdam. From this point, the lower areas of the city, you can reach the museums and the southern part of Amsterdam. The trams are punctual and all times are posted near the shelters useful for sheltering from the wind and rain. Tickets can be purchased on land at authorized retailers or even on board in the appropriate section directly by the employee. Remember to stamp both at the entrance and at the exit from the train.
Ralph Wallace on Google

Een beetje een matige tramhalte. Past niet echt bij de allure van een stad. Je hebt het gevoel midden op de straat te staan. Overlopen door mensen en je wordt soms bijna op de autobaan gedrukt. Wat het nog wat mooi maakt is de omgeving. Rijksmuseum zit vlak om de hoek en met een korte wandeling zit je al op het Leidseplein. Moet we zeggen dat ik tramhalte Spiegelgracht prefereer aan halte Leidse plein. Dat is tegenwoordig maar niks. En tenslotte zou ik graag willen dat de graffiti wordt verwijderd.
A bit of a mediocre tram stop. Doesn't really fit the allure of a city. You have the feeling that you are standing in the middle of the street. Overrun by people and you are sometimes almost pushed onto the highway. What makes it even more beautiful is the environment. Rijksmuseum is just around the corner and with a short walk you are already on Leidseplein. Should we say that I prefer the Spiegelgracht tram stop to the Leidseplein stop. That's nothing nowadays. And finally, I would like the graffiti to be removed.

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