Standbeeld van Hugo de Groot - Markt

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Standbeeld van Hugo de Groot

Address :

GW, Markt, Delft, Netherlands

Categories :
City : Delft

GW, Markt, Delft, Netherlands
도목환 on Google

네덜란드의 법학자. 근대 자연법의 원리에 입각한 국제법의 기초를 확립하여 '국제법의 아버지'라 불린다고 하네요.
Dutch jurist. It is said that it is called the 'father of international law' by establishing the basis of international law based on the principles of modern natural law.
Valerie Kempeneers on Google

Très belle petite ville ?
Very nice little town ?
Роман Перепичай on Google

Памятник Гуго Гроцию - философ, голландскому юристу и государственному деятелю. Заложил основы международного права, основываясь на естественном праве.
Monument to Hugo Grotius - philosopher, Dutch lawyer and statesman. He laid the foundations of international law, based on natural law.
‫يونس صالح (العزيبي)‬‎ on Google

هوغو شاعر وقانوني ومؤلف من ابناء دلفت وهو أشهر من وضع القوانين في هولندا والعالم
Hugo is a poet, legal and author of the sons of Delft and is the most famous lawmaker in the Netherlands and the world
Carlos Dominguez on Google

Hugo Grotius es un jurista, escritor y poeta nacido en Delft. A los 16 años se graduó en jurisprudencia y filosofía habiendo aprobado además los cursos de Astrología, Matemáticas y Teología. Fue un gran defensor del Estado Absoluto, y eso le trajo problemas con el poder político y religioso, por lo que terminó en la cárcel. Logró huir a Francia y continuó toda su vida trabajando con gran intensidad. Fue enterrado en la Nieuwe Kerk.
Hugo Grotius is a Delft-born jurist, writer and poet. At age 16 he graduated in jurisprudence and philosophy, having also passed courses in Astrology, Mathematics and Theology. He was a great defender of the Absolute State, and that brought him problems with political and religious power, for which he ended up in jail. He managed to flee to France and continued all his life working with great intensity. He was buried in the Nieuwe Kerk.
Akash Saddi on Google

Small beautiful town and City centre
Atrasina Adlina on Google

Nice centrum. To hang out with friend
Hermes van Amstel on Google

The statue of the famous legal scholar Hugo de Groot (1583-1645) was moved in 2004 from the center of the market to its current location near the entrance of the new church - where he is buried.

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