Tandartspraktijk Watergraafsmeer - Robert Kochplantsoen 10B

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tandartspraktijk Watergraafsmeer

Address :

Robert Kochplantsoen 10B, 1097 GH Amsterdam, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 1097
Website : https://tpwatergraafsmeer.tandartsennet.nl/
Categories :
City : Amsterdam

Robert Kochplantsoen 10B, 1097 GH Amsterdam, Netherlands
Martijn Miguel Surie Pleguezuelo on Google

Al jaren de beste tandarts van Oost. Fijne, persoonlijke benadering. Goed advies en behandeling, nog nooit een gaatje gehad! Blijf hier met plezier komen
The best dentist in East for years. Fine, personal approach. Good advice and treatment, never had a hole! Keep coming here with pleasure
S. Madjid on Google

Na bij een andere tandarts van tevoren altijd zenuwachtig te zijn, verwachtte ik bij deze niets anders. Maar integendeel, bij deze tandarts voel ik mij comfortabel en op mijn gemak. Je wordt goed behandeld en op de hoogte gesteld. Kan me geen betere tandarts wensen.
After always being nervous with another dentist in advance, I didn't expect anything else with this one. But on the contrary, I feel comfortable and at ease with this dentist. You will be treated well and informed. Can't wish for a better dentist.
Joost van Schendel on Google

Wat een fijne praktijk en wat een zorgvuldige en zorgzame tandarts! Ik raad deze tandarts iedereen aan.
What a great practice and what a careful and caring dentist! I recommend this dentist to everyone.
AR Aladin on Google

Zeer goede service, aan de telefoon zeer vriendelijk en eenmaal op de praktijk ging alles zoals het hoort. Tandartspraktijk zoals het hoort dus.
Very good service, very friendly on the phone and once it was done everything went as it should. Dental practice as it should be.
S de Vries on Google

Superslechte service! Na het wijzigen van mijn afspraak kon ik meteen een nieuwe tandarts gaan zoeken! Ik vraag me af of ze zo met alle klanten omgaan! Ook de telefoniste was super onbeschoft!
Super bad service! After changing my appointment, I could immediately start looking for a new dentist! I wonder if they treat all customers like that! The telephone operator was also super rude!
Jose Viña on Google

Al jaren een blije klant, vroeger in de andere locatie, en nu ook in de nieuw praktijk. Ik heb de hele gezin hier gebracht, de kinderen vinden hier leuk.
A happy customer for years, previously in the other location, and now also in the new practice. I brought the whole family here, the children like it here.
Nathaly Bustamante on Google

Shared Zandvakili, tandarts and owner of Tandartspraktijk Watergraafmeer, refuses to me see in many occasions when I was having constanly pain in same cavities that she fill in. After a week she treated me, I came back because I could eat and bit properly. She saw me really fast making me feel that she was losing money and time with me. Second time I came back because I could not chew properly.m (after almost 2 months) She refuses to see me and start yelling in front of my daughter that if I don’t trust her work I should go to another dentist. She said that I need to wait. I wait for another 3 months. I contact her again because , I was having pain every time I ate an ice cream or chewed meet. She refused to see me. Why? She could just take 5 min to check , but she didn’t. She suggested that I should wait or look for another dentist or fill in again the cavity (of course , I have to pay again). I was really disappoint that she didn’t want to check what is wrong with me and take the responsibility as a dentist. She lost the human touch as dentist and she definitely think in the profits.
Aleh Atsman on Google

The same story happened to me, like Nat Bu. I had only one problem which I wanted to fix. After the first visit, she told me that it is important to fix 4 fillings. Of course, agreed, I am not a dentist. After a few visits, she made her "fixes". From that moment I have pain each time I chew. Left side jaws pain always if I drink water with a temperature different from my body. If I eat something warn and etc. A little bit colder or warmer - pain. I am really afraid to go there again. I am scared. Don't trust that person. I had one problem before visiting hey, now I have a full mouth of problems. Think twice before going there. How sad that I did not see such a comment before going there. Hope you read it. Good luck!

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