Ikzoekhuishoudelijkehulp - Nijverheidstraat 5

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ikzoekhuishoudelijkehulp

Address :

Nijverheidstraat 5, 7511 JM Enschede, Netherlands

Postal code : 7511
Website : https://www.ikzoekhuishoudelijkehulp.nl/
Categories :
City : Enschede

Nijverheidstraat 5, 7511 JM Enschede, Netherlands
Marieke Boerkamp on Google

De site fungeert slechts als een soort marktplaats. Ze bieden geen enkele dienst en er is geen enkele tussenkomst, screening of hulp. Ik zou dit platform dan ook aan niemand aanraden. In een maand of 8 hebben we 4 verschillende schoonmaaksters gehad en ze zijn ook zeker twee maanden 'op zoek' geweest voor hulp (om nog maar te zwijgen over de de grotere groep reacties van mensen die niet aan de wensen voldeden - daar wordt dus niet naar gekeken door het platform, of die simpelweg niet komen opdagen). Er zijn wellicht mensen die meer geluk hebben, maar ik zou dit bedrijf lekker overslaan - geen aanrader!
The site merely acts as a kind of marketplace. They do not provide any service and there is no intervention, screening or assistance of any kind. I would not recommend this platform to anyone. In about 8 months we have had 4 different cleaning ladies and they have also been 'looking' for help for at least two months (not to mention the larger group of reactions from people who did not meet the wishes - so there is no looked at by the platform, or simply don't show up). There may be people who have more luck, but I would happily skip this company - not recommended!
Aad Knoops on Google

Deze organisatie verplicht je tot een jaarabonnement. Indien je binnen 3 weken na een verzoek afziet van verdere bemiddeling is het niet mogelijk de account te annuleren. Zij verplichten je de maandelijkse kosten voor verzekeringen van de hulp (die je niet hebt of hoeft) het hele jaar door te betalen. Uit "coulance" kun je dit afkopen, terwijl je ook al 3 maanden vooruit hebt betaald. Gevraagd om een telefonisch onderhoud, echter hier wordt niet op gereageerd. Goed opletten dus.
This organization obliges you to an annual subscription. If you waive further mediation within 3 weeks after a request, it is not possible to cancel the account. They oblige you to pay the monthly costs for insurance of the aid (which you do not have or do not need) throughout the year. You can buy this off out of "leniency", while you have already paid 3 months in advance. Requested a telephone interview, but no response. So pay close attention.
Guilherme Pozzato on Google

Had been waiting for a new housekeeper for more than two months and they do not provide it. Just scammers.
Mir I Am on Google

Scammers! Don’t sign up with this company. Without knowing it you are stuck to a yearly subscription! Bad customer service, they do not want to help. Just don’t do it!
Sinette Goosen on Google

I find this service misleading and overly expensive. Paying 30 euro for an email address for someone's who profile is not what I need. Found another cleaner via word of mouth in the time I wasted with this...
Mandar Keny on Google

BE CAREFUL There are tons of other website that provide similar services and charge when you find the right help or chose to select the helpers provided by the company. But not in case of Ikzoekhuishoudelihkehulp. The moment you sign up on their website, you are trapped. You will email with names of helpers and an invoice for bemiddelingskosten! It does not matter whether you select a helper or not. You signup and you pay. So please beware. Better to go to other other sites that charge once you get a service.
Elsje Fourie on Google

Even though the small print says you sign the contract for a year, this is really incredibly bad value. Shortly after signing up for this service, I found a cleaner through a friend, and cancelled this service. I therefore actually never used this service. Yet it's costing me almost 100 euros anyway. If this business cared about providing a service, they would be more honest, and not force people to keep their contracts for a year.
Teresa de Diego Santos on Google

BE CAREFUL. they are thiefs. I was just trying to check how it was working and apparently I click wrong as look for help and I contacted them that I'm not interested, and as well it was a problem of the language as I just arrived to the country. They has never done anything for me as I told them I'm not interested and still they are harrassing me because I have to pay one year contract. They are thiefs and racist as no single understand of the issue of the language in a new country.

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