Alexanderhoeve Beethovenstraat - Beethovenstraat 31

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Alexanderhoeve Beethovenstraat

Address :

Beethovenstraat 31, 1077 HM Amsterdam, Netherlands

Phone : 📞 +78879
Postal code : 1077
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City : Amsterdam

Beethovenstraat 31, 1077 HM Amsterdam, Netherlands
Thomas Baus on Google

Schöner Käseladen mit freundlicher Atmosphäre, kompetenter Beratung und sehr großer Auswahl an leckerem Käse und mehr. Alles zum Probieren. Luigi und Thomas aus Mainz am Rhein. Der Besuch hat sich wirklich gelohnt .
Nice cheese shop with a friendly atmosphere, competent advice and a very large selection of delicious cheese and more. Everything to try. Luigi and Thomas from Mainz am Rhein. The visit was really worth it.
Maurizio Bruni on Google

Abbiamo scoperto questo negozio transitando sulla Beethovenstraat con il tram n. 5 mentre cercavamo dalla parte opposta della strada la cioccolateria / pasticceria Huize van Wely, dove volevamo acquistare la cioccolata da regalare a amici e parenti. Dopo lo shopping dei dolci, siamo ritornati da Kaas en Zo per acquistare qualche taglio di formaggio da portarci a casa. Ovviamente l'impatto con lo scenario enorme di formaggi di ogni forma e tipo, che le foto mostrano chiaramente, è notevole, ma indicando le nostre preferenze al "formaggiaro" , persona gentilissima e disponibilissima, e le tre minifette che ci ha offerto in assaggio una volta ristretta la scelta, ci ha fatto andare a colpo sicuro. Per la cronaca abbiamo scelto una caciotta di latte di capra, dal gusto molto delicato e quindi piacevole per tutti, e naturalmente ideale per chi è allergico alle proteine del latte vaccino. Abbiamo inoltre scelto due qualità alle erbe olandesi, che non siamo riusciti a riconoscere (il commesso ci ha detto i loro nomi, ma in fiammingo), ma soddisfatti dalla prova dell'assaggio, ne abbiamo scelti due su tre. I prezzi sono accettabilissimi, trattandosi di qualità un pò speciali: 11,90 €/kg per la caciotta di capra e 19,80 €/kg per i due formaggi alle erbe.
We discovered this shop by passing on the Beethovenstraat with tram no. 5 while we searched across the street from the Huize van Wely chocolate / pastry shop, where we wanted to buy the chocolate to give to friends and relatives. After shopping for sweets, we returned from Kaas en Zo for buy some cuts of cheese to take us home. Obviously the impact with the huge scenario of cheeses of all shapes and types, which the photos clearly show, is remarkable, but indicating ours preferences to the "cheesemaker", a very kind and extremely available person, and the three minifette that he offered us in tasting once the choice was restricted, it made us go without fail. For the record, we chose one goat milk caciotta, with a very delicate taste and therefore pleasant for everyone, and naturally ideal for those who are allergic to cow's milk proteins. We also chose two qualities with Dutch herbs, which we were unable to recognize (the clerk told us their names, but in Flemish), but satisfied from the tasting test, we chose two out of three. The prices are very acceptable, being quality a little special: € 11.90 / kg for goat's caciotta and € 19.80 / kg for the two herb cheeses.
Bernard Ondry on Google

Je suis passé voilà peu dans cette boutique qui mérite vraiment le détour, de part la variété incroyable de fromages que l'on peut trouver ici, et pour la gentillesse du personnel. I've been here a few times in this shop that really deserves a visit, because of the incredible variety of cheeses that can be found here, and for the kindness of the staff. Ik ben hier een paar keer in deze winkel geweest die echt een bezoek verdient, vanwege de ongelooflijke verscheidenheid aan kazen die hier te vinden zijn, en voor de vriendelijkheid van het personeel.
Je suis passé voilà peu dans cette boutique qui mérite vraiment le détour, the vaudeville incroyable la part de fromages que l'on peut trouver ici, et pour la gentillesse du personnel. I've been here a few times in this shop That really deserves a visit, Because of the incredible variety of cheeses That can be found here, and for the kindness of the staff. I've been here a few times in this store that really deserves a visit, because of the incredible variety of cheeses to be found here, and the friendliness of the staff.
Marion on Google

Fantastic choice of products and so fresh. Will use again
Joy Bitcoin on Google

Ovner is the fun of the besy cheeses in the world...must go
Andrey B on Google

The one of the more amazing store of cheese that we found in Amsterdam. Highly recommended ??
Mikhail Kazarin on Google

My favorite cheese store in all Europe. Wide selection of cheeses - older, milder. Helpful and friendly staff.
Harro J. on Google

Brilliant choice of delicious cheese. The owner knows everything about cheese and it's a pleasure to listen. Best choice!

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