Klinikum Leverkusen - Am Gesundheitspark 11

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinikum Leverkusen

Address :

Am Gesundheitspark 11, 51375 Leverkusen, Germany

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 51375
Website : http://www.klinikum-lev.de/
Categories :
City : Leverkusen

Am Gesundheitspark 11, 51375 Leverkusen, Germany
Brigida Janke on Google

Vor 5 Monaten meine Tochter dort zur Welt gebracht , ich kann nur sagen immer wieder da . Die Hebammen waren so einfühlsam und fürsorglich , es wurden alle Ängste und Anregungen ernst genommen und sie Betreuung war auch super genau wie die Stillberatung. Absoluter Favorit dieses Krankenhaus
I gave birth to my daughter there 5 months ago, I can only say that I've been there again and again. The midwives were so empathetic and caring, all fears and suggestions were taken seriously and the care was great, as was the breastfeeding advice. Absolute favorite of this hospital
Annette Zettelmann on Google

Trotz Stress, widrigen Bedingungen wie zB Corona kann ich mich weder über das Personal noch über die Behandlung beschweren. Ich bin seit über 24 Jahren immer mal wieder (viel zu oft eigentlich) im Klinikum und habe sicherlich Erfahrung. Oft ist es auch wie man den Leuten gegenübertritt. Ich vertraue dem Haus und gehe immer wieder wenn ich muss (sonst nur zu Besuch ;) )
Despite the stress and adverse conditions such as Corona, I cannot complain about the staff or the treatment. For over 24 years I have been to the clinic every now and then (far too often) and I certainly have experience. Often it is also how you face people. I trust the house and always go back if I have to (otherwise only to visit;))
Barbara Richartz on Google

Ich war für 5 Tage stationär auf der Station von Herrn Prof.Schwimmberg/Kardiologie. Die ärztliche Versorgung war sehr gut, alle behandelnden Ärzte waren kompetent, sehr freundlich und haben mir alles gut erklärt. Der Professor und auch der Stationsarzt Herr Dr. Hölper haben sich Zeit genommen, um mit mir ausführlich über meine Erkrankung zu sprechen. Ich lag auf der Privatstation, wo ich mich, wenn man das in einem Krankenhaus überhaupt sagen kann, wohlgefühlt habe. Die Schwestern und auch die Servicedamen waren jederzeit ansprechbar und sehr nett. Sie haben soviel zu tun, waren aber trotzdem sofort zur Stelle, wenn ich geklingelt habe. Ein Lob auch für die Küche, das Essen war hervorragend.
I was inpatient for 5 days at the ward of Prof. Schwimmberg/Cardiology. The medical care was very good, all the doctors treating me were competent, very friendly and explained everything to me well. The professor and the ward doctor, Dr. Hölper took the time to talk to me in detail about my illness. I was in the private ward, where I felt comfortable, if you can say that in a hospital. The nurses and the service ladies were always approachable and very nice. They are so busy, but they were always there when I rang the bell. Praise also for the kitchen, the food was excellent.
Justin Pohl on Google

Für mich eins der besten Krankenhäuser in der Umgebung. Ich fahre lieber in das Krankenhaus als in eins bei mir in Köln, weil hier wird man ernst genommen und auch sehr gut behandelt. Das Personal ist auch sehr freundlich und ich fühle mich immer sehr wohl. Wenn man Angst hat, sind die Pflegekräfte da und beruhigen einen oder halten sogar mal die Hand. Ich kann mich nur vollen Lobes für dieses Krankenhaus entscheiden.
For me one of the best hospitals in the area. I'd rather go to the hospital than to my place in Cologne, because they take you seriously here and treat you very well. The staff is also very friendly and I always feel very comfortable. If you're scared, the nurses are there to calm you down or even hold your hand. I have nothing but praise for this hospital.
Anthony Nweke on Google

Good works and nice friendly people
Nechir Mohammed on Google

Generally a pleasant experience but some staff are quite annoying..if you’re not compassionate, don’t work at a hospital.
Julie G. on Google

The midwife who was with me during labor was an angel ❤️ Sadly the physician who arrived at the end has used the Kristeller procedure on me and I was so vunerable during labor that I couldn’t do anything about it. This procedure is not recommended by WHO (world health organization) since 2017. Also it is not easy to get a family room, so when my 0 days old baby cried the whole night (at the time I didn’t know how to deal with her), I was forced to pack and move to another room because another mom was bothered. Her kid was at the intensive care unit and i am very sorry for her, but i had to pack and move when i was barely able to walk yet! Not nice ?
An on Google

Visited the hospital for a prenatal ultrasound . The doctors in the gynaecological department where friendly and explained everything however I was disappointed as I was not able to see my babies face on 4d( that's understable due to position of baby) But what surprised and shocked me was to receive my fetus ultrasound picture printed on A4 sheet. It was very disappointing to receive the same as I am sure every mother would like to save the ultrasound pic for years as a memory as to having a paper print that dont last long. I expected a large establishment to have better machines but a total disappointment.

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